wavingcat5 ([info]wavingcat5) wrote on January 24th, 2010 at 10:46 am
Okay I came back to check out your first fic :D
I guess I am a total stalker...

I loved this little piece of delight! Deceptively simple and I really liked the way you hung the story on the idea of counting, the re-jigging of the 'kind of sweet' line, how you use the counting thing to show Justin's vulnerability (his wanting, adoration, surrender - not just of his body but his private thoughts - and his embarrassment); how he's on a string of love for Brian, and how Brian actually warms to that, maybe for his ego but it's opening him up to something else. Divinely hot too.

(I always feel weird commenting on people's older stuff - because they will think I am a stalker - but I think I would like to know if someone was reading mine, so what the hey.)
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