wavingcat5 ([info]wavingcat5) wrote on January 24th, 2010 at 11:23 am
No worries :) I think when we see how deftly complicated stuff is handled by some writers it's intimidating, but you kept it simple here and did the right things with what you had, which makes it work (and which I need to learn to do).

I want to give you a bizarre compliment too, about Comeback. Longish fics I print out so I can walk around the house and read them; I don't keep them after I've read them. After I read Comeback my toddler messed up the papers and they ended up all over a room, mixed with other papers (I'm afraid I left it like that for... a while). When I decided to clean it up I had to work out which papers were my stuff that I needed to keep, and which needed to go in the recycling. So I'd pick up a bank statement, or a newsletter, then I'd pick up some random page of Comeback, totally out of order. I was surprised that each time I found a page from the story, I sat there and read it again, just a page at a time. Totally mixed up, but I just felt like I had to. Which I normally don't do once I've read a fic. I think, more than anything, it's because I related to your tone. Just wanted to share that :)
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