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Isabella "Bella" Swan

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004. This is why I never kept a journal (Day 9) [May 14 2009 / 05:42pm]
I woke up to find my journal in my stocking...which was weird in and of itself, but, I have my journal back at least. I dropped it at one point in time, and apparently whoever is in charge here saw fit to return it. That was nice of them, but all things considered I'd rather go home.

Are we supposed to be opening the gifts we got? I peeked inside the stocking, but, it seems a little strange receiving gifts from some unknown entity. You'd think I'd be getting used to strange being a part of the everyday here, but it still takes me a moment everytime something unusual happens. I think some part of me still wonders if this is some kind of grand delusion, but after being here for 4 mornings, I'm finding that hard to believe. It makes me think about all the things I took for granted in my actual life. The fact that Charlie and Renee would always be a phone call away. Little things like school and homework. New books. Going a day without having a brush with the unknown. Life was routine before, but things seemed simpler.

I sound ungrateful. Well, no, that's not the right word. Not ungrateful. There's nothing and no one to be grateful toward. I'm not exactly suffering from stockholm syndrome. What I mean is, it's not all bad here. I've met some really nice people. I've seen things I would never have dreamed of. For once in my life, I'm living outside the everyday. It's just an adjustment period.

003. Childish whims (Day 7) [April 27 2009 / 01:37pm]
Private )

I'm having a hard time sleeping, would anyone mind some company?

002. A common theme. (Day 7) [April 19 2009 / 11:21pm]
This place really likes fair(e)s, doesn't it? I was thinking of going. Would anyone want to go, maybe?

001. A new day (Day 6) [April 13 2009 / 12:22am]
I woke up this morning thinking I was back in Forks. It was almost comforting for once. It took me a moment to realize that yesterday was real. This place seems like a dream.

I'm Bella. I don't think I know anyone other than Caspian whom I met yesterday and Edward who is from Forks, the town I was living in. I cried myself to sleep passed out yesterday and slept through the whole day. I woke up before dawn this morning and I've been going through this journal here, since I can't get back to sleep. I don't really recognize any names or anything, but it seems like we're going to be here a while, and I thought I should say hello. Actually, I just want to check and make sure Charlie's not here. I just hope he's okay.

000. Application Information [info]labyrinth_mod. [April 01 2009 / 01:45am]
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain. )

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