September 2012



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Sep. 25th, 2012

App + Aud

Librarians Unite! )

The Roster!

Sep. 24th, 2012

Memory Table + Playlist

At The Bottom Of Everything / Read Your Book / Green Valley
Summoning of the Muse/ To Who Knows Where / Growing Old is Getting Old
Lazy Eye / I Don't Care / Do You Realize
Hot Knives / Four Winds


Feb. 19th, 2010

Erestor's Journal Entry, #4833

There is but one small blurb smeared and scribbled all over a whole two pages. It is written as though someone is being jostled and bounced around, without relent, yet they have such a desperate need to WRITE SOMETHING that its driving them insane if they don't get out this one simple and concise statement of outrage and indignity:

I hate traveling, I hate horses and mud, this wagon is cramped full of practically every little trinket Arwen's ever owned since she was three years old, I lost my bookmarker so my hair is getting in the way, and it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to write anything without the quill flying halfway across the page and ink getting everywhere. Also, if Glorfindel doesn't stop singing bawdy songs and telling everyone lewd poems, the likes of which I do not even WANT to know where he picked them up at? I am going to stab him repeatedly with this quill and cram it down his throat, the first chance I get.

Jan. 24th, 2010

Erestor's Journal, entry #4832.

Today was off to a rousing start, mere moments after I dared step foot out of my room. I'll attempt to compile:

One page of Drakes and Worms of the Greatermost East ruined - this is all thanks to Glorfindel deciding he was going to put his lips all over everyone's faces this morning. The tip of the quill went skidding down over the page I was transcribing, meaning that I shall have to start over from the beginning or rebind the entire book, to cover up the mistake. I can't abide cutting a page out. And to think, I just got that drake scale adhered on page eighty-two. How extremely frustrating, especially with so little time left to complete it.

Further lists and Commentary, within. )

Jan. 22nd, 2010

OOC: Biography and links to other bios!

Continued from Erestor's profile page, this is the more official bio! )

For other bios, please see the profile pages of Glorfindel, and Eothain. Thanks!

Latest additions: [info]gold_cleaver (Maglor), [info]skilled_hero (Fingon), [info]olorin (Gandalf), and [info]white_lady (Aredhel).