Katie Bell's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Katie Bell

Come on now, honey, bring it on, bring it on, yeah.
Just remember me when you're good to go.

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[11 January 2011 @ 1:07pm]
[Private to Self]
I thought the nightmares would go away, but they haven’t. I think they’re worse now because I know they’re real. Merlin, should I even be writing this here? I don’t feel like anything is safe anymore and I don’t know what to do. Maybe I need to talk to someone about them and everything else. But who? I feel like I can’t trust anyone anymore. Especially since I can see the dullness in their eyes now, and I know what it means. The one person I instinctively want to talk to, I don’t know if I can trust any more. It’s like I don’t know who he is now. But even still… somehow there’s a part of me that still feels connected to him, still wants to go to him. Fuck, I don’t know what to do. Is it even safe? If he wanted to hurt me, he could have done so ages ago… Merlin, T would never-But-Fuck, I’m just going to have to risk it.

[Private to T]
Can we talk? I’d say somewhere public but then we might be overheard. My place, I guess. But don’t think about trying anything, I know how to defend myself. And Quaffle will- If you’re free today…
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[02 January 2011 @ 2:04pm]
I'm somehow less excited about this New Year than I was last year, but I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe it's just because I'm so tired? I feel like I didn't even celebrate it properly! This probably needs to be remedied. If I could just stop having nightmares and get some actual sleep, that might help.

[21 November 2010 @ 8:36pm]
[Private to T]
Oi, T-tastic! Hm. Can't decide if that works as a nickname or not. Anyway, what are you up to? I'm bored and kind of tired, ugh and that just can't stand. We should do something, if you're not busy. Bring back s'mores night? Or we can have a movie night, dunno if you've ever watched a movie, but I've got a good collection. And also, popcorn. Can't say no to popcorn!

Let me know!
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[15 November 2010 @ 8:54am]
I taught Quaffle a new trick! Or, well, I'm teaching him a new trick. We're learning how to dance together!

Don't look at me funny, I need something to do in my free time. Keeps me from thinking too much about... things. Plus it's cute, okay? You should see when he spins.

[Private to Fred]
Hey, guess what!
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[21 October 2010 @ 6:53pm]
[Private to Fred]
Need you now.


[19 October 2010 @ 12:55pm]
You know what's awesome? Nicknames. Nicknames are awesome. Do you know how many I have?

Well "Katie" for starters, is a nickname! (If any of you ever call me Katherine, I will be forced to pummel you.) There's also: Kates, Kates on Skates, Katie-with-bells-on, Bell, Hells Bells, Bells, K, and Katielicious (okay I made that last one up).

Everyone should have a nickname! And so I say... comment here, tell me your name (if I don't know it) and I shall gift you with an awesome nickname!
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[24 August 2010 @ 12:55pm]
Which is the best part of a cake? The cake itself, or the frosting?

Personally, I'm a frosting lover. Because, you know, I obviously need the sugar rush.

(And this isn't met to be some sort of discussion on the hidden meanings of frosting vs cake. Feel free to get into a debate, though!)
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[13 August 2010 @ 12:32pm]
Someone wants to get pizza with me tonight. Come on, you know you do. Beer and pizza with a tiny blond witch, what gets better than that? I'll even challenge you to a pizza eating contest. Don't let my tininess deceive you, though, I'm a lean, mean, pizza eating machine!
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[12 August 2010 @ 4:23pm]
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