☆ Jeanne ☆

April 18th, 2024

(no subject) @ 10:42 pm

I miss next-gen.

(no subject) @ 07:38 am

I am just so tired lately.

Foot is healing up fine after surgery- I was able to walk around downtown Cleveland for opening day. Dealing with some health stuff, but my doctors are pretty frustrating with not being very helpful when I ask about steps to take for things I'm dealing with. Work is fine, and RP has been..okay?

I dropped Diana and Nikolai, mostly because I've been feeling like I'm pulling teeth for plots and I'm just done chasing people for scenes. I would like to write with people who want to write with me, and don't want to be the one making all the effort. I'm happy to plot long term stuff, or come up with shenanigans or things to get into and work on character development, but I can't be the one doing all the reaching out. Diana had been trying to help train other witches, and just got pushback and distrust and I'm done. I love Diana but I don't want to stress myself out to play her.

I'm mostly feeling iced out in some group stuff, and I'm not quite sure how to handle that in character.

I'm struggling a little with the characters I have left, but I legitimately love the characters I write and certain lines I have with them. But we'll see what happens.

[info]easthaven hasn't opened yet; I'm still waiting for apps to add characters to get going. I hope it turns into something fun, but if it falls through, that's alright, too.

Friends at [info]thegenesis, I am definitely lurking the taken/holds pages, but I am totally stuck on who to pick up!

Where else are we writing these days?

April 17th, 2024

(no subject) @ 11:36 pm

[info]mrcarlosreyes, posting in [info]wanna_rp:
secondchances could use some more 911: Lone Star characters.

The game is pretty fun with some really neat characters. Highly recommend taking a look into. :)

(no subject) @ 09:17 pm

[info]consolcrim, posting in [info]wanna_rp:
[info]ohanamods Needs more Sherlock. :)

& [info]modsofwestview could use Dr. Watson, Lestrade, and others for the criminal crew.

(no subject) @ 07:32 am

[info]jacarandas, posting in [info]fandom_psls:
long shot but john blackthorne for my mariko?

April 16th, 2024

(no subject) @ 02:07 pm

[info]muntallica, posting in [info]fandom_psls:
I've been away for a bit. Are any Chrissys or Steves looking for a very oblivious nerd/metalhead?

(no subject) @ 10:43 am

[info]venezia, posting in [info]wanna_rp:

Welcome to Easthaven, a developing seaside town along the southeast coast of Britain. It is like any other spa town and seaside resort of the early 19th century, where visitors come yearly for the health benefits of the sea. A mysterious benefactor has since taken an interest here, where small, strange things have begun to occur. Pockets of magic have popped up, and the longer one stays, the more likely they are to find themselves changed.

Easthaven is an upcoming Regency Era game set in a fictional seaside town. Characters may be pulled from any regency-era canon, including but not limited to the works of Jane Austen or other similar media. We encourage diversity in play, and hope to create a safe and enjoyable space for us to enjoy writing. My goal is to encourage collaboration in writing and the development of plot, magic systems, and characters.

Right now we are looking for a few more characters before we open the game. Interested? Check us out!


(no subject) @ 06:14 am

[info]ndigenova, posting in [info]fandom_psls:
i miss this man. yusuf? andy, nile, and/or booker for platonic lines?

April 15th, 2024

(no subject) @ 12:08 pm

[info]akathehword, posting in [info]fandom_psls:
looking for psls for jess here.

all mcu, netflix/abc mcu, x-menverse, and crosscanon welcome.

April 14th, 2024

Sükrü Özyildiz @ 11:55 pm

[info]panicstrickyn, posting in [info]pb_updates:

Set: Sükrü Özyildiz : 158
Details: m : asian (turkish) : black : brown : 20s
Link: LINK

(no subject) @ 08:33 pm

[info]withyourowneyes, posting in [info]fandom_psls:
I know this is the longest of long shots, but I've got this Victorian escape artist here and would love someone to play him off of, canon or cross.

(no subject) @ 11:44 am

[info]andhesmine, posting in [info]multi_fandom:
[info]secondchances more 911 and 911 lone star characters, plz!

(no subject) @ 11:43 am

[info]andhesmine, posting in [info]fandom_psls:
[info]secondchances more 911 and 911 lone star characters, plz!

(no subject) @ 11:42 am

[info]andhesmine, posting in [info]wanna_rp:
[info]secondchances more 911 and 911 lone star characters, plz!

April 12th, 2024

(no subject) @ 12:32 pm

[info]witchers, posting in [info]fandom_psls:
ignore the journal, but looking for a yen or jaskier for (henry cavill) geralt.

(no subject) @ 08:07 am

[info]vyce, posting in [info]find_a_writer:

I'm currently seeking a light, lighthearted psl or two set in the Pokemon universe (see this post for more info and a few ideas). I like to ret-con the setting so someone has to be at least 18 years old before they can be a Pokemon trainer/Coordinator or whatever, and that all characters be written/played as 21 years old (if not already established as older).

At the moment, I have a rather specific request: While I would love to find a partner open to playing as Jessie, Misty or Delia Ketchum opposite a male OC, there are some non-PKMN ladies I'd love to see transplanted into the setting listed in the below cut:

Read more... )

(no subject) @ 08:06 am

[info]vyce, posting in [info]find_a_partner:
I'm currently seeking a light, lighthearted psl or two set in the Pokemon universe (see this post for more info and a few ideas). I like to ret-con the setting so someone has to be at least 18 years old before they can be a Pokemon trainer/Coordinator or whatever, and that all characters be written/played as 21 years old (if not already established as older).

At the moment, I have a rather specific request: While I would love to find a partner open to playing as Jessie, Misty or Delia Ketchum opposite a male OC, there are some non-PKMN ladies I'd love to see transplanted into the setting listed in the below cut:

Read more... )

(no subject) @ 05:56 am

[info]proudly, posting in [info]wanna_rp:
i've been missing the hp next gen games of yesteryear. would there be any interest in one now? looking to set up some kind of gpsl or boarding school esque game with a fantasy element.

April 11th, 2024

April 10th, 2024

(no subject) @ 05:20 pm

[info]17778, posting in [info]fandom_psls:
check the journal for a psl inspired by doctor who!

☆ Jeanne ☆