Drowning in the memory of you. - August 31st, 2007

Date: 2007-08-31 01:12
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Whew, work finally slowed down to a more managable flow. Maybe now I can pay attention to my poorly neglected journals, I have yet to finish backing up my art at ij and gj. In honor of the break of rl work, I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning the last couple of days working on finishing up an old commission. It was a big one sizewise, I'm so not used to working 13x19", but I am giddy about the way it came out. But I can't post it yet, until the person it's for recieves it. *sits on hands*
I've only got a few more hours to decide if I'm going to do the [info]sshg_exchange this round. This is a very hard decision since I've already accepted the invitation to do [info]snarry_games again this year and the deadlines for both are about the same time. I hate having to make these kind of choices. The [info]snarry_games was a blast to do last year, so I jumped on it the minute I got the invite, but the [info]sshg_exchange, ya know? OTP and all that, plus the promise of a fic or art in return is being very tempting. Urgh, I don't know what to doooooo.... D:

Suck. I was going to do a link dump, but IJ is not letting me embed more than one video. Boo. They are over at my LJ if you want to see them.

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