Drowning in the memory of you. - October 31st, 2007

Date: 2007-10-31 15:00
Subject: Halloween greetings and some art.
Security: Public
Tags:fanart, heroes, sylar

I hope everyone has a fun Halloween tonight. Me, I'll be holed up here by myself, praying that I get enough trick or treaters so as to get rid of all this candy I bought. I need to get it out of the house soon, seeing as how I have already raided the bag of Snickers and POTC gummi skulls several times this week.

Here's where I ramble on about House, Heroes, etc... )

Well, in honor of the Halloween season, I took a break from working on my exchange art last night to whip a little something up. And since everyone loves a brain eating, serial killer watchmaker...

Fandom: Heroes
Character: Sylar
Rating: PG
Notes: Barely looks like Quinto IMO, but I tried. Clock brushes come from Shadow Brushes on DA.

Just a talent I have for the way things work, how the parts should go. )

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