Drowning in the memory of you.

Date: 2008-02-24 05:53
Subject: daily_deviant October submission NWS
Security: Public
Tags:fanart, fandom:harry potter, lucius/hermione/narcissa

Title: Beg to Serve.
Theme/kink: abandoned prompts : 40. Hermione/Malfoys (Narcissa, Lucius, & Draco) - Voldemort lost. Despite views of slavery, Hermione is given a gift. The Malfoys will do whatever it takes to keep her happy & avoid death. Kink & incest fine. Hermione-focus, please, & any combo is fine. No humiliation/torture/rape/death.
Warnings: threesome, tattoo/brands implying ownership
Rating: R

Beg to Serve. NWS )

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February 2013