Dec. 1st, 2011



Ik weet niet of dit van u, maar hoe dan ook je moet komen en met mij te delen.

--I do not know if this was from you, but either way you should come and share with me.


Dank je wel, Sinterklaas, voor al mijn cadeaus! Ik kan niet wachten om uw dag te vieren!

--Thank you, Sinterklaas, for all my gifts! I cannot wait to celebrate your day! [OOC - anyone can read this in their native language by waving their wands over the text]

Sinterklaas has come early, I must have been a very good girl!

[Private, in Dutch]

Just maybe not good enough. Didi has his Seven, Alphonse is realising he likes Eloise, Dex is with her Corbin, even. And I am all alone. Maybe Corbin is right and I am not to be happy because of last year. No one has even asked me to be their date for this gala, and I will not whine about this loudly on my journal so someone will feel sorry for me like Hogwarts girls. I do not need a date to be fabulous and have fun. It only would be nice, to be asked to something. To maybe be liked because I am Dani and not be talked about because I am foreign or busty or blonde or whatever else is wrong with me this week.

I'm so tired.

Tired of people here talking always and tired of being different and of everything being strange and tired of people thinking we are wrong for not being so familiar with their language and their ways.

I'm tired of people telling me what to do.

I'm tired of losing.

I want to be home already.

Nov. 22nd, 2011


Translaterated )

[OOC: If you suck don't take Ancient Runes, Dani has charmed this sentry so if you hover your mouse wand over it, you can read the translation. OR IF YOUR COMPUTER SUCKS IT IS NOW UNDER THE CUT.]

Nov. 5th, 2011


I am very much looking forward to see Hogwarts play Salem! It shall be very interesting good to see how our hosts and our furthest competitors play their games.

I will have lovely snacks to watch the game with, my Maman sent me many delicious things from home. French and Dutch pastries, of course, though no macarons this time! Sadly also no bread, I miss that quite a lot about home. There is banketstaaf and pain au chocolat and one of my very favourites, Paris–Brest.

[Lucy & James]

If you would like to come and share some with me, that would be very lovely?


I spoke to

How do you feel for the portfolio you are to do? Is there a way I can help at all?


Merci beaucoup pour aller à la balle avec moi. Votre costume était génial! J'ai eu un très bon moment, je suis si heureux vous aimez les dragons! Sont-ils eux-mêmes se comporter? Mine dort beaucoup. Je pense qu'il se fatigue facilement d'être si peu.


Good luck against Hogwarts!

[Eddie, Corrie & James]

Good luck against Salem!

[Dex & Didi]

James dit que je suis belle. Deux fois. Et il est doux, mais ça veut dire qu'il m'aime? Il est agréable d'avoir un ami - est-il de vouloir être plus que cela? Je ne sais pas si je veux qu'il soit plus que cela ou peut-être que je vais être très stupide et penser à ce beaucoup plus que je dois et il est seulement d'être gentil, je ne sais pas.

Je ne veux pas de bouleverser un ami à nouveau comme l'an dernier. Julien et Aidan ont encore rien dit à moi.

Oct. 8th, 2011


It is silly maybe, because I do not see them when I am at Beauxbȃtons either, but being so very far from home has made me quite miss my brothers, so I will show them to you all. They are mostly lovely and often silly and are very good brothers, a lot of the time. And they taught me to punch and play poker so I usually forgive them when they are not.

Augustijn is 23 and wants to take over as cellar master from my Papa one day. He has a guitar that he cannot play because he thinks girls will like it if they think he can.

Roland is 19 and is going to study literature and international relations at university. He is not so good at cards as he thinks he is.

Sep. 2nd, 2011


Bonjour, mes amis!

I am thinking Hogwarts will be a fascinating place to spend the year, but so cold! Has Scotland met the sun? They should be introduced, I am sure they would be great friends. I am very glad no one has said we must eat haggis. As long as there are still croissants! Without them I shall surely wither. Or get very grumpy and smack things with my bat, which might not be very ladylike but is very affective.

What do you all know about the Multicultural Relations class? I think they could be extremely interesting. A good chance to learn more about each other than just food. Which is very important, of course, and French is the best.

Since I don’t want to write one thousand words, I shall give you all a picture of me instead, so you know who I am when our carriage lands.

Wave your wands, s’il vous plait? )

Warded private

Alors beaucoup de gens ici ont des parents qui ont joué de Quidditch! Peut-être que je vais attendre jusqu'à après They've m'a vu jouer pour leur dire que je n'ai jamais vu un manche à balai qui pouvait voler jusqu'à ce que je 11.

Ce sera la même chose qu'être juste à Beauxbȃtons, je suis donc à ne pas manquer Maman et Papa et mes frères, pas plus que la normale. À côté, j'ai beaucoup raté mes amis! Il sera ainsi beaucoup de nouveaux à faire, je l'espère. Et je passe une année entière Marshall avec Dex et de jouer contre de très bonnes équipes. Didi a raison, il s'agit d'une aventure pour nous. Je suis très fier d'être dans le premier Tournoi Junior International de Quidditch.

So many people here have parents who have played Quidditch! Perhaps I’ll wait till after they’ve seen me play to tell them I never saw a broomstick that could fly until I was 11.

It will be just the same as being at Beauxbȃtons, so I am not to miss Maman and Papa and my brothers any more than normal. Besides, I have very much missed my friends! There will be so many new ones to make, I hope. And I shall spend a whole year with Dex and playing against very good teams. Didi is right, this is such an adventure for us. I am very proud to be in the first Junior International Quidditch Tournament.