Living Backwards [entries|friends|calendar]

I turn my camera on; I cut my fingers on the way.
pretty girl on every corner. Sunshine turns the sky to gold. Warm warm, it's always warm here; I can't take the cold. streets littered with diamonds, Every one's glistening. this whole world shines so brightly, I can't see a thing. pretty as a picture. seems like a golden rain settles me with love and laughter. I can't feel a thing. the sky's gonna open. people gonna pray and crawl. it's gonna rain down fire. it's gonna burn us all. the sky's gonna open. people gonna pray and sing. oh, I can't feel a thing. pretty as a picture. she is like a golden dream.
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Well. [19 Apr 2012|10:09pm]
After all these years New York still continues to surprise me.

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