Full Name: Trace Richard Arnett.
Age: 25.
Date of Birth: April 17, 1985.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Marital Status: In a something with Dean Andrews
Vehicles: '69 Camaro, 2008 Indian Chief Deluxe.
Pets: A cat named Jinx

Height: 6'1
Build: Strong, Athletic
Eyes: Green
Height: Dark Brown
Complexion: Smooth & Fair
Sight: 20/20
Hearing: Fair
Skills: Basic street fighting, able to handle different types of guns and currently practicing the ancient art of Wah-lum, Capoeira, Kung Fu and Gor-Chor Kung Fu and is trying to achieve black belt status in the latter two
Disabilities/Handicaps: Left Shoulder easily dislocates and relocates after being repeated dislocated during scuffles, nose breaks easily
Defining Marks: Tattoo, Tattoo, Tattoo, Two bullet wounds on the left side of his shoulder which show through to his back

Name Analysis
From the French and Greek meaning "Brave"
Of Old German origin meaning "Powerful Leader", also Great Strength
Old French and English origin, with its meaning being "Little Eagle"


Trace has a tendency to act cocky at times though he doesn’t really believe himself to be all that. He is aware of how attractive he is so he will try to use his looks to get out of scrapes he may get himself into with women. He does have an attitude of utter lack of respect when someone pisses him off and will not tolerate shit from anyone. Once someone gets on his bad side, it’s very difficult for them to turn him around. Definitely isn't a one woman man, as he never has been and the idea of a relationship to him sounds awful as well as something that just will never work in his life so he avoids them like the plague. However, that's not to say that he doesn't love to find him a woman to fuck whenever the urge strikes him.

Setting: The neighborhood of Austin in Chicago. 1985. Spring. Action: A prostitute gives birth to a baby boy in the back seat of a 1975 Cadillac. Her pimp throws her out. A knock on the door of a dilapidated apartment building. Enter: Father of the baby boy, a drug dealer who traded drugs for sex with the prostitute. Action: Prostitute and child move in with father. Prostitute becomes a meth addict. Prostitute sent to jail for multiple counts of assault and breaking and entering.


Trace Richard Arnett was born to Tracey Barker and Richard Arnett in the very heart of Austin, the most crime-ridden neighborhood in all of Chicago. Though he was one of the few white kids in the area, his childhood differed very little from most other children. His over exposure to drugs and crime was no different and even having one parent sell while the other was addicted was not that uncommon. It was a sad fact but even losing his mother to prison was something many kids faced as well. However, Trace was only slightly affected by this having always been closer to his father than his mother. For she made it known often that she bore a strong resentment toward him for costing her the high class prostitute life she was so used to.

Trace was only five years old when Tracey was sentenced to a six years in prison, leaving Richard to raise his son all by himself. It was an unexpected and difficult change in Trace’s life and one he was at the time too young to fully comprehend. He didn’t understand the extra pressure it put on Richard to try to provide for the son he wasn’t even sure was his. As much as Richard wanted to dump Trace in an orphanage and resume his life, as it was five years prior, he couldn’t bring himself to do it and the two began to bond stronger as father and son.

As Trace grew older, he became wiser to his father’s profession. It wasn’t like he could ignore the junkies and fellow drug dealers that would frequent their apartment or the constant brawls Richard would have with his clients. Trace became a quiet observer to the life his father led, taking in every sight and every sound. He learned quickly that selling drugs in a neighborhood that depended so strongly on them provided a decent living. Despite still going through hardships the drugs Rich would sell were keeping them fed, keeping the utilities on and keeping them clothed. Therefore, it was of no surprise to Rich when he caught Trace stealing his stash and selling them to his friends at school and it was no surprise when he didn’t stop him.

The world around Trace was molding him into a callous person the more time he spent involved in it. His transformation began with his attempt at fitting in with black students at his school by mimicking their style of dress, the way they spoke and their attitudes in general. He emulated them in every way he could in order to be embraced by them since he didn’t truly have anyone else. His whole personality was given a makeover while he was in junior high, turning him from the decent kid he was into a thug they would accept. Once he gained their acceptance, his rapid descent into his primitive nature continued with the next step being when Trace turned 17 and joined a street gang.

His orientation into the gang wasn’t as tough as many other gangs required their new members to do. All Trace had to do was mug people he saw on the street until he came up with at least $100. In order to accomplish this he had to mug over 10 people before he came up with the cash but proved his loyalty to the gang by not backing down on anyone that he saw no matter who they were. It was with this action that any ounce of human decency left within him was erased. That’s not to say that Trace was now ruthless killer but he certainly was no longer a gentleman, if it was possible to ever call him one. He was knee deep in drugs, selling and using, owned a gun, which he regularly used to threaten people, and showed an utter lack of disrespect for anyone except for himself. His attitude got so bad that after a few years Rich couldn’t handle it anymore and gave Trace an ultimatum to which he responded with moving out. This allowed him to spend more time on the streets hustling people out of money, robbing people of their earned money and selling drugs to make his own money. His ranks rose in his gang the better he got at being a thug but nothing escalated him higher than when he was shot.

Trace was 24 and things in his life were going smoothly, he was running with his gang daily and he was even maintaining a cover by working with his pseudo parents, Tonya and Cliff at their diner. He knew they knew what he was up to, but so long as he kept things separate from the diner and from his family, they chose not to talk to him about it. They had already tried and had gotten nowhere so they figured at least during the day he was being productive. At night however was a different story and Trace was neck deep in his gang's dealings as he actually had a brain and could use it. It was just a routine drug exchange when suddenly things went sour and shots were fired. Trace thought he was home free, two footsteps from rounding a corner, when he was shot twice from behind.

The ordeal not only had his family all suddenly telling him how dangerous the life he was leading was but had him actually listening. He told them that it was done and he was through with it. He wanted to get out of Chicago finally and start his life someplace far away. Tonya and Cliff had family in New Orleans and so it was agreed he was to pack his things and go live with his aunt. The big moving day came once he was cleared to leave the hospital and just as he was ready to go, a surprise visit at his apartment halted him.

He may have been ready to forget the gang but they hadn't forgotten about him and they weren't about to let him just leave them with knowledge of their inner workings. Trace protested and ended up getting a beating his body wasn't ready for. He managed to survive it but he still was leaving town, but this time he was to report to the New York branch of their gang. If he didn't, he would be tracked down or his family would pay the price. Agreeing, to spare his life as well as he lives of his family, he moved to New York to live with his aunt and to continue running the streets for his gang.

His move to New York didn’t seem to be as easy as he thought giving that his aunt was more on the richer side of the family. He’d never really known her status when she would come visit him in Chicago but as he was forced to move into her house in Tarrytown, he learned that he wasn’t quite cut out to live in such affluent surroundings. It was also obvious that his aunt was aware of what he was doing and didn’t approve but she seemed to overlook it, since he was family and simply couldn’t turn him away as tempting of an idea it may have seemed. So instead she welcomed him with open arms so long as he promised to seek an actual job and Trace agreed to do so, especially after learning that the commute to the inner city seemed to drain more from him than he was making on the streets. However, for the time being, he’s content to simply explore the city and get to know his surroundings.

« thehudson


Seth Andrews
Trace and Seth have been friends going on 3 years and have continued to be friends through all the tough moments in each of their lives. Squabbles and petty things that would break up lesser friends have only served to strengthen the bond between these two into being like brothers. They would lay down their own life for one another and would bend over backwards to protect the other or to avenge any wrong done to the other. Trace didn't think they could get any closer until the night Trace and Seth got drunk and high and Seth ended up giving Trace a blowjob. It had blown his mind and had him busting a nut harder than he ever thought possible. After which it was safe to say Seth had introduced Trace to something he never would have contemplated and with Trace fucking Seth the next morning, the flood gates opened on what their friendship had the potential to be. The pair who were once brothers turned into fuck buddies over night and pushed the limits on what they were willing to do with one another, until one night ended in Seth getting injured and Trace being racked with guilt. After learning what their limits were they scaled it back but it was safe to say they have never been closer since it all started and Trace is grateful for what Seth opened him up to experience.

Dean Andrews
Trace recalled the first time he spoke to Dean, the first time they hung out and especially the first time they fucked. At the time he attributed it to being high and just a little bit too horny but if he would have known that a few months later it was destined to happen again he might not have let so much time pass in between. Trace had felt slightly guilty at fucking both Seth and Dean but after that night they met up at the bar and Trace experienced hands down the best sex of his life, there was no turning back. From then on, he found that it was impossible for him and Dean to only hang out anymore. They had both tasted the passion of the gods and the lust for it was now permanently ingrained in their bodies. They craved each other and always were over eager to satisfy that craving. With each time, the sex between them was getting better and better to a point when it seemed like they would kill one another from intensity of it. Outside of the sex Trace did actually like Dean and honestly had no problem just hanging out and talking with him like they did at times. He got very comfortable around Dean to where subconsciously it seemed they were showing just how comfortable they were around one another. It even led to what got Trace beat up, but even so, Trace would not give up what he did with Dean nor blame him for what happened. Instead Trace seemed to accept Dean even more, though with Dean pointing out how they acted as if a couple it put them on shaky ground for a moment. However, at the same time it led to something very simple but very meaningful, a kiss. It was a kiss that turned their simple 'friends with benefits' relationship into something much more complicated. It has no name, no title, no label and Trace doesn't wish to give it one. He hasn't a clue what is going on with him and Dean but he knows that he enjoys the time he spends with him and everything they do together. Maybe one day they'll figure out what it is they are doing together but for the time being, Trace prefers to revel happily in the unknown of it all.

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AIM OR THREAD: Both are acceptable.
CONTACT: Contact post here.
JOURNAL & AIM: -trace & Stuntin Trace1.
PLAYED BY: Channing Tatum.