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Nov. 10th, 2010

They have been on the road for weeks. Sometimes Huginn brings back a report, a bit of news that is not entirely useless and yet less then helpful. The earlier urgency the All-Father had felt seems to have settled. His plans are half formulated and ever changing. Right now he's content to keep drawing them.

That is until Muninn, who has been regulated and confined to a cat carrier in the back seat, starts filling Heimdall and Odin in on what she thinks they should be doing each time they take a break at a rest stop.

Oct. 26th, 2010

Perched on a street lamp the Huginn peers down at the yellow car below him. Wolves driving cabs – for all their prophecies and signs surely the Norns had forgotten to add this one as a true sign of Ragnarok. The raven shook his head letting out a loud squawk. Tempting as it was to shit on the car and fly off he refrained. He had found one of the wolves and the All-Father’s instructions had been remarkably vague (as they tended to be and really as Odin’s own thoughts he ought to automatically know certain things, right?) and he was at a temporary loss as to what he was supposed to do now.
Which only meant one thing – he was free to heckle.


((OOC: Short scene if you’re game, Tess. We can work up to a full blown log later ^_^))
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Oct. 24th, 2010

Huginn has yet to return. Odin isn't concerned, he's annoyed and that only serves to annoy him further. Patience is a rare commodity these days and his own impatience is it making it hard for him to concentrate, to think and work past the tug of "NOW NOW NOW" that has worked it's way into his system during the past week. The bigger picture, it seems, has temporarily escaped him.

Which is way he searches for a distraction, something not entirely unrelated and he finds it in a series of newspaper articles about the plight of a particular band of wild horses.

[Voice message left for Heimdall]

Finish digging whatever hole you've started and get back here.

Oct. 16th, 2010

Once upon a time Huginn could circle the world in a matter of hours. He would take to the East and Muninn the West. They would meet in the middle, perched on the All-Father's throne and there they would share the secrets of everything they had seen.

That was a long time ago and the world is a very different place. He is a creature of the past, a ghost of story told in half empty classrooms.

He is limited. He is easily distracted and that is why he has spent the last two days pecking at the pieces of a broken iPod nano on the side of the road not more then ten miles from Odin's house.


Oct. 11th, 2010

Wolves, he tells Huginn, scratching behind the raven's neck and the bird is far too content to argue. They have only just been reunited and while the fractured pieces of Odin's mind have started to knit themselves back together they are far from whole. Muninn's inability to fly proves as much.

Regardless, Odin is anxious. He is not what he once was, his sight grows dim and even now with his young man's face he can feel the ache of age creep into his bones.

Arranging the pieces will take time and he has to start somewhere. He chooses the wolves and when Huginn takes flight he knows that he is not to come back until he finds them.

Kindly return my frying pan. I'm sure that by now in your more sober state you have realized that it is not your hammer.

Sep. 24th, 2010

He drops the house key on Heimdall's head, cackling all the while. It would take a few hours before the raven would return. Head hung sheepishly as he perched on the white god's shoulder.

"Uh, Dally about those directions....

Sep. 14th, 2010

Hello, darlings.

Ragnarok has been canceled.

Sep. 9th, 2010

The modern world is a strange place. One that he was more comfortable living in when he was ignorant of who and what he was. Muninn has lapsed into a temporary silence. She sleeps on the window sill preparing even in her dreams for the five million things she still has to say.

Sleep eludes him still and that no longer bothers him. He has spent the last twenty-four hours combing a most peculiar website.

God blogs? How delightfully informative.

Sep. 6th, 2010

He has spent the entire weekend getting cussed out by Muninn. He takes the endless verbal assault in stride, having no real choice since his previous injury prevents it. The she-raven enjoys it even as Huginn hangs back ever wary and feeling strangely guilty over the All-Father's newly bandaged eye.

Odin listens. He listens because he has to. He listens because he wants to and while he does his hands do not sit idle. The stones are polished smooth before he starts carving the runes.

Muninn is still talking when he bids Huginn to come closer. The raven knows without words what Odin wants from him. He takes the pouch in his claws and flies out the window.

Huginn drops the first rune stone on Thor's head. It takes him a full day to reach Heimdall and when he does he very kindly drops the stone in the watchman's hand.

The rune is wholeness.

Aug. 31st, 2010

Thought & Memory: Conversations No One Hears Take 1



"Fuck ass."




"He tried to kill me."

"I know, Munny, I know."

"He tried to kill you too."

"I know."


"Will you stop yelling at Dally?"



"Now get the fuck out of my face."

Aug. 28th, 2010

Rather then saying she is ready to speak Muninn has taken to following the sad clown Heimdall around the midway. She hops, waddles and cusses up a blue streak all the while.

It's quite a show for rubes and carnies alike.

Aug. 21st, 2010

On Friday morning Eric's assistant, Lisa, is told that her boss will not be in the office for three weeks. He can take no calls and while he is still working any and all correspondence will have to be through email. Messages can be forwarded and will be returned promptly via a written media of the client's choice.

Under no circumstance is she to tell anyone that his jaw has been wired shut. Under no circumstance is she allowed to ask why his jaw has been wired shut.

Aug. 16th, 2010

Interlude II. Muninn, Today 11 am PST

She's an old thing, her feathers dull and dusty and the awkward way she carries her left wing marks her a cripple. Normally the raven is a noisy thing too. Offering obscenities, stories and advice no one particular wants even when the trailer is empty. That changed the moment Thor started traveling with the carnival and even with the Norse man gone she has yet to open her beak.

Today that changes. Today Muninn breaks her self imposed silence.

"Archie!" She croaks. "Bring me some whiskey!"

Aug. 12th, 2010

[Scribbled on various scraps of paper on his desk]




Aug. 10th, 2010

Interlude I. Circa 1010

The wolves here are different.

Leaner, faster and harder to see. They've been hunting him for days now. He glimpses shadows from the corner of his eye and knows they are too close when one of the raven's croaks. This land and it's gods do not want him. He can feel it has heard their voices through the trees, the streams and now in the growls of the wolves.

He would like to be left alone. They will not allow it.

Odin, Berserker, Viking, Invader. What they will not give him he will take.

He grips the seax tighter.

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