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[19 Apr 2024|01:09pm]

[ music | “The Tell-Tale Heart” ]

“The Fall of the House of Usher” will have me checking every battery in the house.

And never having children either. No telling what I’ve promised to whoever through the years.

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[17 Apr 2024|05:09pm]


If you have a fun voice, a unique take or spin and just want to write with others, please see [info]hhh and [info]wrestlemania
If you happen to be Stevie Turner: no I don’t have your platforms. Write here anyway.
If you happen to be Riley Osborne, see me.
If you happen to be Dion Lennox, [info]jakara I’ve dibs.
If you happen to be Theo James, I’ll have dinner at 6:05 your Grace.
If you are a lost, wayward NXTer or a unique AEWrestlePersona, come along too.
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[11 Apr 2024|12:09pm]


would anyone write sami zayn against jey in a psl? i'd be willing to write sami if you'd prefer to write jey!
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[11 Apr 2024|11:24am]


Just trying to write again.

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[10 Apr 2024|10:04am]


still in the process of setting her up but i'm heading to [info]hhh.

lines? someone to come along with her? pretty ricky?
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This one goes on the Mantle [07 Apr 2024|11:27pm]

Judgement Day is just Fine
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