The Social Network

October 5th, 2010

Marcus and Amber Zuckerberg | Facebook


October 5th, 2010

Marcus: The Social Network

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So, some of you may have noticed a little movie detailing Facebook's creation has come out. No big deal, you probably haven't even seen the ads. Not like they're everywhere and there's no escaping them.

$22,445,653 so far and set to climb, considering that it's actually getting good reviews. Color me surprised. When I found out they were making a movie about Mark and the creation of Facebook, I laughed my ass off and waited for the Razzie Awards to roll in. But here we are after opening weekend, and it's at 97% on Rotten Tomatoes. Who'd have guessed?

All right, so you took out most of the edits I made to the script, which wasn't a surprise because you hate things that are funny. But how come Mark comes off as such an asshole? How'd that slip through the cracks? I thought there was a whole "Don't show Mark being a douche in public because it looks bad for the site" policy, as you love reminding me.
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