There is no ghost in the machine

Your information is secure, citizen!

3/22/10 06:26 pm

1. Man who could not knot tie properly.
2. Woman who talked too much.
3. Idiot who scuffed floors.
4. Fat man. Smelled bad.
5. Looks like scarecrow. Always late. Unacceptable.

3/20/10 05:54 pm


Don't know what's looking better. The vendor or buyer's list.

Time to clean out the closets, boys and girls. We got to put back some of that money we took out of the cookie jar.

3/8/10 05:15 pm

It's fucking sulking again. Goddamn thing is asking to get boxed.

[To Do List; stored elsewhere]

Data migration for servers 325DC - 909QT
Set purge dates for K-2321 and T322-R
Level Night Elf
Check filters - start info scrubbing for analysis
Find a way to shoot everyone in the face. At once.

2/26/10 07:29 am

Eyes in the sky. I can see for miles and miles.

...goddamn satellite radio.


South Korea I'm looking at you~

2/15/10 12:22 pm

Just when I thought you assholes couldn't make bigger fools of yourselves. Thanks for the laughs, morons, and don't forget to keep your firewalls updated.

2/8/10 02:04 pm

Trashcans still empty. Floor still shines. Very good.

1/28/10 07:24 pm

Ten more days.

1/22/10 08:32 pm

17 days.

Someone's a loser.


Not one fucking hit on the black watch in three days. That's down right peculiar. Time to dig a little deeper.

1/10/10 10:35 am

[When Alex next turns on her computer a message is displayed during start up]

Got something you might like. You want? Y/Y? You know the cost.

1/7/10 07:42 pm

Would like to go back to the farm.

Wish it would stop looking at me.

1/6/10 08:29 pm

Drone's got a dog. Told it to keep it alive and comfortable for the next month no matter what the cost.

Think it actually twitched when the animal was delivered. Wasn't sure it was still capable of any facial expressions. Huh.

[Fucktard aka Dom]

Try and kill the dog.

12/25/09 05:00 pm

Quiet time. Not bad. Not good.

They do not come out the cupboard anymore.

12/20/09 01:07 pm

[Notes to Self]

Subject #34-B55

Thinks God is speaking to it through digital displays. Has turned the microwave into a shrine. Pliant, exceptionally so. One time use at best.

Subject #76-K22

Turned into a Luddite.

Subject #00-T77

Most promising. Initiating test protocol 33235-A.


Fucking idiots are clogging the mail servers with holiday chain letters and inane recipe forwards.

12/17/09 05:33 pm


Next time her computer is turned on Alex will find a folder on the desktop labeled 'The Soaps'


Big brother's cellphone will play N'Sync's 'Bye Bye Bye' whenever it rings at full volume no matter what setting he has it on. Turning it off won't help either.


Next time he steps out of whatever hovel he's staying in he'll be shot in the face, courtesy of the Drone.

12/7/09 08:37 pm

Do tell.

At the same briefing, Mr Jones also declared that the United States could not leave Afghanistan until terrorist safe havens in Pakistan’s tribal areas were uprooted.

This, he explained, meant that the United States had ‘no intention of leaving Afghanistan in the near future and certainly not in 2011.’

Anyone else hear a donkey braying about gradual troop with drawl?

Seems familiar don't it. Like that other thing, four letter word, starts with a vowel ends with a consonant. Okay, okay so the fact that there is actual WMDs might be the biggest difference.

12/4/09 07:01 pm

Got you.

12/2/09 12:39 pm

Hate. Hate. Hate.

Hey, you. That's right I'm talking to you. Unless you tell me where to drop this money I'm going to spend it all myself.

11/30/09 08:33 pm

[In another window...]

CRYPT (form: $ MD5? $ SALT $ CRYPT):
(form: SALT[2] CRYPT[11]):

deltree [/y] ironglove

Buh-bye, birdie.


15 minutes, 900 million dollars.

Suck it.

11/28/09 08:00 pm - Drone Post #2

Will be needing a new mop.

11/26/09 06:10 pm - NPC Post; viewable to all

Psychologist say that I am in need of vacation. See no reason to listen to this woman as she is a fat. All the talking 'blah blah blah' I grow tired of it. Would stop if was allowed.

Am waiting. Always waiting for the phone to ring.
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