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Cantigas de amigo, escárnio e maldizer

Below are the 20 most recent journal entries.


  2011.01.01  00.22
Fic Master List

Fic Master List )


  2009.03.23  22.31
BSG finale

I liked it. I didn't love it, but BSG is not a show I loooove. BSG is a show I watch for the cool ideas. Or something.

Anyway, my rather cynical and possibly short reading of the events, let me show you it )


  2009.02.08  23.30
SPN 4x14. Oh no, they didn't.

Holy fucking crap )


  2009.02.01  22.34
Words that didn't make it onto the page, heh?

This is a meme, but *waves hands*, I'm gonna play by myself, seeing that there is surprising little, I think. I'm not a world builder, pretty much everything makes it onto the page (even if it has to be re-written a dozen times).

So let's see.

I went with the notion that Angelus was Jack, the Ripper, in "A Little Love". That one should be pretty obvious, given the implied gore, but I don't think it is. In "Characters of Chaos", Buffy's memory is messed up because of the mindwipe. "Till the next time the world ends": it's Spike and Buffy who apologize to each other - I thought this one was really straightforward but later on I realized it could apply to most pairings in the fic, so it's up to the reader which is a-okay by me. The priests are Jesuits in "Of Illustrations and Footnotes" - I don't know why, I just decided that they were. That one is my explanation for why Buffy was in Rome: working with the Vatican to rebuild the Watchers' Council. There are several hypothesis for what happened to Lucius in "Know Thine Enemy". I had three worked out (in prison again, dead, with Voldemort) but the idea there was to let the readers come up with their own explanations and figure out how that played into what Draco was doing. There's a lot of that going on in that fic, the letting the readers figure out explanations for themselves, deliberately so. (The idea was to make the reader an active participant of the creation of the fic, but hopefully skillfully enough that the reader himself wouldn't be aware of it. ... huh, yeah, I'm totally straying from the point. Whatever. KTE was a blast to write and I could babble endlessly about it.) "Bona Fide": Dean and guys. It isn't a thing. It's just that Dean takes comfort where he can.

Yeah, that's it. I think. O.o

I already have weight-loss spam in my spam filter. WTF, it's only February.

ETA: And because I totally forgot but this must be made note of: Watchmen - 5 March!! Woot!


  2009.01.11  20.03
Things for which I am grateful in SPN fandom

The inexistence of those dreadful smooshed pairing names.

I had forgotten but apparently people are still that pressed for time and that lacking in taste that they continue to find themselves unable to type two names and a slash.


  2008.11.05  14.53
Our shared destiny

I totally stayed up till 5:20 A.M.

And today... it feels a bit like a different world.

Mood: hopeful

  2008.11.02  01.03
TV- status analysis [Dark Angel, SGA, Doctor Who, brief mentions of FNL and SPN]

So last week I've thought about doing a status analysis of the shows I've been more or less attempting to follow as they're finally aired here. SPN is the only show I get through the webs, the computer being the delicate flower that it is.

Read more... )

So, all and all, a mixed bag of results. We'll see how it goes from here. Though I'd count the general tally on the Yes column. Especially if one also considers that SPN this week? Made of so much awesome I wouldn't even know where to begin.


  2008.10.27  21.19
SPN talk

I think it's kind of adorable that... )


  2008.09.16  19.48
I don't think that means what you think it means [J2, PG]

Words. They're tricky. )


  2008.09.01  00.55
Ficlet: "Elseworld" [SV-DCU/SPN)

Originally posted December, 18th, 2007, under lock. Found it a few days ago and I still like it though, so I got it a title and am posting it publicly.


SV-DCU/SPN. Gen, just over 200 words.
Post Infinite Crisis for DCU. Season 3 SPN.

In other worlds... )


  2008.08.02  22.41
Fandom update

My most relevant reaction to the latest SPN wank was that upon reading that Jared was a dick my train of thought went like this: "But like, seriously? How much of a dick? Enough to be used on a fic?!" and then I was disappointed when it turned out that it was nothing much and then I realized that I was expecting some RL people to deliver au par with my fictional pairings AND THIS IS WHEN I REALIZED THAT MY LEVELS OF TINHATTERY HAVE REACHED DANGEROUSLY CRITICAL LEVELS.

All I can say is that it is a good thing that my crap ram memory doesn't allow me to wander over youtube because I see nothing good coming out of it.

It was also clear that if, like me, you're on the outskirts of the fandom and really just there for the fic (and oh man, is there fic in SPN. Loads and loads of good fic), the wank barely registers. Heck, I was reading J2 AU sci-fi which would have been awesome if the author had spent about 30 to 40 thousand words more on world building. (Oh TSoHW, you have spoiled me forever when it comes to world building. Woe! :/)

On other news, I said to Reg I'd write her Sam/Dean but I don't think I can do it. It's just too weird. It has nothing to do with the "OMG it's incest, that is so wrong!" because my many other sibling pairings, let me show you them. It's just that this is a pairing I don't believe in. I read and enjoy it and I think some truly astounding fic has come out of it, but I always have to engage in suspension of disbelief. And my method for writing a pairing goes hand-in-hand with believing in it. I don't necessarily have to like it, but I have to believe it, either because the canon has provided evidence or, if there is none, finding a way to make it believable. And it's one common thread in all my fic, one people remark on repeatedly. "This is plausible, this is credible, I can see it happening it this way." And with Sam and Dean, it just goes against the grain of all they're about and dude, one drunken fumbling moment of canon does not good evidence make. Insert my sad face here, 'cause man, I am all about the ships and the sore lack of ships I can work with on SPN makes me a sad, sad panda. Sam and Dean, I love you both, ridiculously even, just not like that.

I'm still tempted though. (It's the challenge of it! How do you pull off a pairing which you fundamentally *don't* believe in??)

I'm attempting to watch both Doctor Who and Stargate Atlantis (both first seasons are airing) with mixed results. I love Rose. (It is possible that my interest in Doctor Who has a lot to do with how I feel that SOMEONE should be writing Dean/Rose. * shifty eyes* It would work! I swear!) But the Wraith are... pathetic. I'm only on episode 2 but dude, I zapped off to SV 6x04 which was airing at the exact same time (which WTF?! A whole Saturday of nothing good on and the two series I'm interested in watching are on at the same time?! Not cool) and, since I still haven't seen SV 6 and Clark and Ollie were making mooglie eyes at each other, well, there was no contest.

SGA has one major problem, which is, not only no one has a decent voice, the lead character, err, Major Sheppard, has a downright annoying one. Yes, voices. This might seem an utterly shallow factor but the truth is, it is so ingrained that I don't even consciously notice it. It's always a post-factum realization. But the truth is, it is crucial and there hasn't been a single show I've been hooked on where there hasn't been at least one character whose voice I've not been in love with. BtVS had Spike and Giles, and AtS had Wesley and Lilah, and BSG has Six, and SV has Lex, and SG1 has... pretty much everyone, none of them really out-of-this-world good (except possibly Cam and Vala) but all rich and modulated, and SPN has Dean. But SGA... no good voices so far and pathetic archenemies. I mean, the Ori suck too, except for Adria but the Goa'uld were cool, what with their flashing eyes and rumbling voices and "we're all Gods from Earth's various mythologies and we wear outrageous clothes! Check out the skimpy leather yo."

On the other hand, Doctor Who's laughable special effects are offset by not too shabby core ideas and by Rose being awesome.

So I'm waiting to see.

I'm tempted to do the Favorites Meme but, at this point, I'm into too many shows and/or fandoms and my OCD would cause me to over-analyze everything, from how "Faith" is the one episode that really makes one sit up and pay attention to SPN because whoa, did that come out of the left field, to how I loved Wesley and Illyria as a ship and thanking everything under the sun Joss didn't have time to fuck it up, and how it is likely that my ships have shifted majorly in BtVS/AtS verse (kill you with fire for NFA, Joss, and how that fucked everything up) to, I don't know. Everything.

I will compromise and list the best villains. All fandoms, no order. Six, the YED, Angelus, Voldemort, Lionel. Which wouldn't actually be the favourites because I don't actually like Voldemort and I freaking hate Lionel. And Six isn't actually a villain. The YED though, possibly my all time favourite villain and one I was sorry to see gone. He was *funny*. Ditto for Meg. :)

Finally, I noticed the other day that three of my current fandoms have characters named Sam. Samantha Carter, Samuel T. Anders, Sam Winchester. Coincidence?


  2008.07.23  21.48
Happy anniversary, Xana!

Today is [info]sra_black's birthday.

Xana, it's been a pleasure and a honor to have been your friend for the past 6 years. When we met, you were already this tolerant, patient, creative, intelligent person and during the years these qualities only magnified.

I feel I've seen you grow and it's been such a privilege to be there for that. To see that you've never lost that inner core of goodness, to see that it only became stronger.

I hope that this new stage of your life is filled with happiness and success. I wish for all your hopes and dreams to come true.

All good things to you, miga. *hugs you tight* Happy, happy anniversary. :)


  2008.07.21  22.55
Real people in our media! Shocking!

This was a really good weekend media wise.

After the debacle of "Wanted" last weekend, and because the new Bats only opens this week, me and the sis went to see "Tropa de Elite" (Elite Squad). And man, I can't remember the last time I left the theater with this satisfied feeling of having seen a truly GOOD movie.

I am not sure how well the story will translate to international audiences. The context, the factual information one can get acquainted with so that one can understand the context (Google is, after all, our friend). I think the movie itself does a good job of exposing it though, spending time enough giving you the 101 on the situation of drug trafficking and police corruption and the de facto state of war that Rio lives under (Between 1978 and 2000, 49,900 people were killed in Rio - for comparison's sake, the number of American casualties in Vietnam was about 58,000.)

So, plot details, etc. )

The release date in the US is September, 19th. The release is limited, but if you can: GO SEE IT!!

On the TV front, Sunday I got to see the first episode of Friday Night Lights.

I like my demon hunters, my superheroes, my vampires and my wizards. But sometimes, man, sometimes, it's good to have real people in our movies and in our shows. :)


  2008.07.04  19.51
And there's like 4 other books after it!

I got "His Majesty's Dragon" yesterday.

It lasted all of 24 hours.

Laurence/Temeraire OTP 4-EVAH. \o/


  2008.05.09  21.06
SPN 3x15 Time Is on My Side

The YED, much like the Cylons, had a plan. )


  2008.05.04  16.56

Because I spent the last few weeks with my face shoved into the incomprehensible texts from hell, I completely missed that "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" started airing here. By total chance, I caught part of episode 3 just now. Dude, I really wanted to see this from the begining wtf.

First impression? Color me underwhelmed. John comes across as the kind of ninny that made me want to punch him in the face in the third movie and Lena Headey, who was quite impressive in 300, just... doesn't grab the part (and yes, I know she's trying to live up to Linda Hamilton but man, I expected better). The only character mildly interesting is the robot. Does this get better or what?

Finally caught up with SPN but my deep reaction for the day is pointing out how shallowly pleased I am that "Ghostfacers" gives us one entire episode of Jensen and Jared being shot from several normal height persons' points of view, which made REALLY OBVIOUS the fact they're a foot taller than you and me and everyone else on the planet. The episode itself kicked all kinds of ass but seriously, that was the cherry on the cake of awesome.


  2008.03.28  21.41
Fic: "Bona Fide" (SPN/AtS, Dean/Lindsey, R)

Written as a birthday gift for [info]redbrickrose.

Beta'd by the most excellent [info]regala_electra

Bona Fide

Supernatural/AtS. R. Dean/Lindsey. About 2100 words.

In good faith )


  2008.03.28  21.33
Indecision 2008

I have 57 icon spaces to fill.


This is gonna take *forever*.

In other news, and because I easily amuse myself: I wonder if I could get Coca-Cola to sponsor my Dean/Lindsey slash.


  2008.03.28  01.18
Latest LJ news post

I thought I'd link to THIS cat macro because man, I sure needed that laugh.


  2008.03.22  00.13
Shoo negativity! Shooooo!

Because my first public entry in this journal is gonna have a positive vibe, dammit.

So I'm coming up with the I LIKE MEME!! I don't care if it ends up being just me who does it, it's a meme because I say so.

I like...

White painted walls. Cotton t-shirts. Capped sleeves, platform shoes, jeans. Heat. The sea. Sunlight. Long days. Summer. Being in the water. Tiny colourful bikinis. Sand beaches. The sirocco blowing from Africa, warm and fragrant. The smell of the earth after the rain. Thunderstorms. Rocking chairs. Tea, strong and sweet. Cigarettes (yeah, I know, nails in my coffin, whatever). The scent of cinnamon. Red poppies. Ladybugs. Back alley cats, sleek and smart. Night skies sprinkled with stars. Eclipses. Dancing. MP3 players. TV shows on DVD. The moment the lights go out at the cinema. Hair cropped short on men. Really well played football. Short, dark painted nails on women. Freshly made beds. Cherries, with juice so dark it stains your lips. Pancakes, flipping them in the air. Knowing languages, learning new words. Dictionaries. The feel of old books. When a story clicks into place in my head and the words and ideas come tumbling out. Being fannish. Icons. The internet. News. Laughing so hard your ribs hurt. Smiling at people just to be nice. When they smile back. Wide open horizons. Astronomy pictures. Lisbon. The light in it. Passeios calcetados. Castles! The old yellow trams. Sticking my head outside the car window. Being a sister.

What do YOU like?

Music: Gotan Project - Queremos Paz

[ Fic Master List ]