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Jun. 5th, 2020

Contact Post

Heeey I'm Lily and I mod [info]posteritas_rpg and this is my contact post for Liam Elkins!

Need to get ahold of me for plot with him, or any other reason? Feel free to leave a comment here or send me a PM!

Aug. 13th, 2010

Private to Thomas

O Captain, my Captain--just a bit of a heads up. Old Ham isn't feeling his best today, he's starting to get that cold that's going 'round. Of course, he's soldiering on, brave soul he is, wouldn't miss practise for the world, but take it easy on him if he's a bit off today, yeah? Before you ask why I'm telling you and not him, well, because he's still insisting he's fine, but twins know these things--and it doesn't take a genius, anyway.


Aug. 6th, 2010

....that was some practise.

Jul. 20th, 2010

Unicorns are born pure gold
They turn silver when they're two years old

Bloody hell, I cannot get that sodding song out of my head!

Private to Graham

I do love brainstorming on paper. It's so much better to save our brilliance for future generations to read later than to just talk and let it be forgotten to the ages, yeah?

First order of business: flirting with Rose. It's the end of the week, is she madly in love with you yet?

Second: That owl. Likely culprits?


Jun. 19th, 2010

Application for Posteritas )