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b jacobs

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smile like you've got nothing to prove. [04 Sep 2020|12:54pm]

no matter what you might do, there's always someone out there cooler than you. i know that's hard to believe but there are people you meet. they're into something that is too big to be expressed through their clothes and they'll put up with all the poses you throw and you won't even know that they're not sizing you up. they know your mom fucked you up or maybe let you watch too much tv. but they'll still look in your eyes to find the human inside.
you know there's always something in there to see )

[05 Jan 2010|08:40pm]
Nobody in the world is going to find me believable as a 'Brad Pitt' type celebrity. Just saying.
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[08 Apr 2009|12:16am]
I will be a much happier man when this movie is done filming. Fucking unprofessional woman. Really.
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[03 Jan 2009|11:20pm]
Wow. He actually went through with it. I can't believe that. I mean, I knew he and Chuckles were gonna stay together either way but the idea of Tony being married? That's pretty crazy.

Speaking of crazy .. when I was in Canada for the holidays, my sister decided she was going to hide all the goofy pictures of herself so that her boyfriend couldn't find them. So, King, this is for you ..

That's Deni the year before .. well, we won't get into that. I'm sure you know.

And she made fun of me for having blonde hair when I was little. Nice, D. Real nice!
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[30 Nov 2008|06:39pm]
I'll admit it. I was wrong. D did a great job cooking dinner on Thursday. She's, apparently, been learning a lot about cooking from this new guy of hers. And .. you know, he doesn't seem half bad. His daughter is adorable as all hell. She kept climbing up in everybody's lap. Real cuddler, that one.

I wonder if Braedon will be like that.

Anyway, Thanksgiving was good. And I'm on break from filming until after the New Year. Though I have a couple auditions lined up, so we'll see what happens there. I got a script for this new MTV film that's in the works.

Right. Oh. J, do you have plans for the New Year?
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[18 Nov 2008|02:28pm]

ooc )
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[17 Nov 2008|07:48pm]
I got a phone call from D earlier. She told me she doesn't feel like making dinner anymore and has put me in charge. So Thanksgiving is being moved to my place. Not that I don't like her and J's apartment, I just prefer my own kitchen to cook in.

So, D and J .. be at my place next Thursday by 2 pm. Dinner will be ready by 3. BYOB.
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[12 Nov 2008|09:51pm]
I'm currently in New York filming and won't be back in LA until three days before Thanksgiving. My sister, D, has informed me that she plans to make the holiday dinner for everyone and I gotta say .. I'm scared. I've seen that girl cook before and it's not pretty. At all. So I'm wondering if I should prepare a back-up meal or just bring along some frozen pizza. What say you, J?

Bryce sent pictures of the newest addition to the Jacobs family, Braedon. He's cute. Good thing he's adopted and doesn't look a damn thing like Bryce. I'd pity the kid, for real.

Okay, no, that's a lie. My sisters are both gorgeous and they know it. Vain little brats.

Now, speaking of D .. J, what info do you have on this guy she's been chattin' it up with lately? All I know is he's a doctor and he's my age. Spill.
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[15 Oct 2008|07:09pm]
My sister made it safely through surgery last week. I've been to see her twice since then. Yeah, crappy brother, I know. I've got a lot on my plate right now and I'm honestly just glad to be in the same city. I have to fly back to New York soon. Filming starts for the back nine of 'Fringe' in three weeks. Right in time for the holiday season to start. Nice, huh?

Popped in on a few people's journals, just trying to be friendly. Apparently that makes me a stalker. Whatever. I'll stick to talking to the people I know then.

You know, I really don't have a whole lot to update on. My life, contrary to popular belief, is really fucking boring. And Morgan? I really doubt that there will even be one imaginary bid on the boxers that you don't have.
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[05 Oct 2008|05:29pm]
[ music | 'Valerie Yum' by the Dandy Warhols. ]

Alright. Let me see what I can update on. You know, I always found this journal thing to be easier when I just listed off a bunch of random happenings. So I think I'll go with that.

;; Tony, former partner-in-crime, has created a 'production company' in his 'backyard.' Or, rather in the local parking garage. He's putting up these random videos about Star Wars and him eating Mac'n'Cheese. Crazy, pointless shit. Though, I hear he's planning to make himself more professional by doing an Austen adaptation? More power to him. And sadness for everyone else involved. Ha!

;; Chuckles (the former partner-in-crime's gal pal) actually agreed to marry the dipstick.

;; Ry-Ry turned twenty-five on the same day that the youngest in her brood turned one. I hear she's planning to reproduce some more.

;; The FOX network bought 'the back nine' of the Fringe episodes, so it looks like I've got a solid deal there.

;; My younger sister, Deni, moved out here with her friend, JJ (who I'm trying to con into being my PA if I can get her to go under the 80 grand mark). private -- she's having surgery on Wednesday cause I guess she decided having no ovaries was slightly less threatening. Or something like that. -- end private

;; I've turned stalker. Apparently.

;; I haven't seen Tori in awhile. I should head over to the DiCarlo household to check up on her.

;; Bryce is pregnant. Except, not really. She apparently signed up to adopt a kid from China or some place like that. Indonesia?

;; Salem threatened to actually sign me up for the next season of Dancing with the Stars and I threatened to beam her in the head with a raw egg. I haven't hit the 'has been' mark quite yet, so I'll wait awhile for that shit.

And I can't think of anything else off the top of my head, which is fine cause I have some lines I have to study anyway.

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