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Marty [!]

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[12 Mar 2013|02:31pm]
Does RP still exist? Because I'm hating on the whole RL thing. And school is grossly overrated. Or I'm just too old for this dog-and-pony show. Maybe all of the above. Probably the impending doom of my final on Friday. Always makes me want to do something I shouldn't. Like write.
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[06 Jun 2012|01:09pm]
To return to RP or not to return to RP...
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[30 Dec 2010|05:26pm]
Desperately looking for Kurt Russell icons. Preferably from Escape From New York, but I'll take whatever I can get at this point. (I'd even try to make my own if I could find screencaps!) If anyone comes across him, please let me know!

Pretty please.
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[02 Dec 2010|05:55pm]
Continuing [info]we_coexist thoughts.

Norman Bates

Doctor Strange
Lex Luthor

Other Thoughts:
Obi-Wan Kenobi
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[01 Dec 2010|06:56pm]
Characters to consider reviving for WC:

Doctor Strange
Norman Bates
Jake the Cat
Lex Luthor
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[17 Nov 2010|08:20pm]
Antimatter Trapped For First Time


And nobody is talking about this on the news because ...?

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[16 Nov 2010|04:44pm]
I woke up this morning missing XD.

I ♥ that game forever.
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[08 Nov 2010|10:14pm]
I know. What? Marty? Still alive. Sort of. I saw this meme and thought I should do it because it might inspire me in one direction or another where my RP is concerned. Especially since I have been so uninspired. I just did it all at once, because I was bored and needed a break from classes. Hmm.

Meme )
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[05 Oct 2009|09:25am]
My computer is dead. Literally. I might have to buy a new one. Won't find out how bad the damage is until Friday.

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[27 Sep 2009|08:28pm]
There's gotta be some good games out there that aren't multi-fandom, don't involve Harry Potter, aren't superhero-ishy, and welcome original characters.

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[13 Dec 2008|03:18pm]
I've been very negligent about posting in this journal.

I'm going to try and fix that.
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[03 Jul 2008|01:53pm]
Anyone know of any legitimate programs that send native English-speaking people overseas to teach English abroad?
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[11 Jun 2008|09:32am]
At school. Finished lab early. These lame computer lab computers don't have AIM. I wonder if I'd get in trouble for DLing it. >.>;
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Random. [04 Jun 2008|01:34pm]
I'm really in lof with [info]parabolical right now.

Anyone want to be the Qui-Gon to my Obi-Wan? Or the Wilson to my House?

Pretty please?
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!!!! [21 May 2008|07:01pm]

Pics soon to come!!!
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[06 May 2008|02:05pm]
Just call me Tom Cassidy today!

I've never planted so many flowers in my life.
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[04 May 2008|07:26pm]

Sit through the credits.
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[04 May 2008|03:01pm]
I was driving on the highway and I saw a loaf of bread on the side of the road.
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[04 May 2008|11:55am]
I've become overly obsessed with [info]oldwest_rpg. The concept is so simple, and so are most of the characters, but I just love it. Such a nice change of pace. I feel like I can breathe. Deep breath!
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RP Thoughts. [27 Apr 2008|10:48am]
So ... I'm thinking about [info]beyondsavage. I haven't completely sold myself yet. Mostly because I don't know who I would want to resurrect. But it looks like it could be lots of fun. And I lof all the muns whom I know at that game. So I'm going to throw this out there for suggestions. It might help me to know which of my characters people liked enough to see come back.

Thoughts. Suggestions. Any other inspiring tidbits welcomed.
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