Joo Hee's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Joo Hee

Fly away home

subtitle or short lyric here

It's all about esteem It's all about dreams It's all about making the best out of everything You'll know when you're fine Cause you'll talk like a mime You'll fall on your face You get back up and you're doing fine "a considerate clown, a preachy preaching machine" Is one of the sweetest things you would say about me But I don't have the time for your distorted esteem Why are you toying with my mind? I don't wanna hear you say it I don't wanna hear you say it I don't wanna hear you say it Now you're fucking with my pride


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Profile [29 Jan 2017|03:36am]
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Christmas Drabbles [05 Dec 2016|11:53pm]
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10. [13 Sep 2016|03:12am]
There's no way Pinky explained what hospital we were helping out at and this is going to come back and bite us all in the butt later if we get caught so close to the lines of danger, right? Probably worse trouble if the boyfriend found out, but not going to say anything about that.
I hope that doesn't happen. There are a lot of people separated from their families and scared and I think this helped a lot.

9. [07 Jun 2016|12:38am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | people talking ]

I gave Taesung the biggest kiss after his graduation and left him bright and pink to party it out with all of his fiends and fellow soldiers. It was just so cute. I wish I had a picture.

I've got a big shoot this afternoon and a bunch more over the week. I'm sad that I won't be able to spend more time with him, but I'll tell send cute messages. <3 I hope he's not stationed too far.

8. [14 Feb 2016|03:29am]
[ mood | lonely ]

Ian put an end to the parties and gave us all an earful, managers included. The managers seem to be more on guard now that a few people have snuck off and disappeared and there's a group of Leeman soldiers stalking about now to make sure more don't go. I really should have gone while I had the chance, but there's no escape now. Way to ruin all the fun for the rest of us still stuck here.

I usually like a guy in uniform, but I just don't care so much today.

for the red [14 Feb 2016|02:46am]
Pick an icon and I'll write a drabble for our muses.
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7. [01 Feb 2016|12:42am]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | people talking. ]

How are we supposed to just sit out here and relax and play games while our families are stuck back in a city that's so full of monsters?

6. [06 Jan 2016|02:18am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | people chatting. ]

Who could be grumpy when set up at a place like this? This place is beautiful. I can't wait to go out and explore. As soon as I pull my coat out from under the pile of luggage the other girls dropped by the door I'm going out.

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