vlredreign ([info]vl_redreign) wrote on December 21st, 2007 at 05:52 pm
We dance to a few songs, a strange mix of techno, 80s rock and jazz, but it doesn't really matter what's playing, Brian can't follow a rhythm anyway. We keep up our swaying/rocking/humping dance hybrid.

LMAO Poor rhythmically-challenged Brian!

He smiles at me, a sort of sad smile, and we keep dancing. I realize he's actually keeping pretty good rhythm. He spins us around and dips me a little. I laugh, delighted. He smiles again. A happy one this time. We must have been something on that dance floor after all, I think, but that doesn't matter right now.

We were as amazed as you, sweet Sunshine. When it matters most, Brian has a left and right foot. And yes, you were something else.

This is lovely, Alice. Very special.
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