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George Fabian Weasley

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[11 Mar 2009|10:07pm]
Apparently I'm not fucking screwing up. Apparently, we are very pleased. Apparently, I've done a somewhat good job.

Spellotaped in. )

Private to Sam and Lee: She called me dad.
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Private to Friends [10 Mar 2009|12:00pm]
(Full) Day 2: I am not dead yet, but then again, she's been with Mum most of the day and there is still a lot of day left. We will see.

So I've been up to Brigid's school in Ireland and I've got everything straightened away. They think I'll be transferring her to school down in London after this year, which is good. Will make the transfer to Hogwarts easier, I think. Spoke to some of the neighbors but they are all Muggles. Headmaster of the school didn't seem to know who Peter was... so he's not a neighbor or a classmate and I haven't got a damn clue who this Peter kid is. I'll have to ask her when she gets home from Mum's.

If any of you know anyone in need of a part time job at the store, let me know.

Also, I'm relaly surprised more of you didn't think this was a prank, short of Sam and Lee who have now met her. If any of you had told me you had spawned, I would have assumed joke first, reality later, and I would have thought you'd all have assumed such of me.

But no. No joke. I'm a geezer.
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[07 Mar 2009|07:27pm]
No. No. No. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

This is not happening to me. Not in the prime of my life. FUCK YOU NINETEEN YEAR OLD GEORGE. YOU STUPID FUCKING TWAT.


No, I'm totally fucking serious.



no really. i'm scared. my mum us going to kill me.
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[03 Mar 2009|07:15pm]
There comes a time in every young, handsome man's life that he must ask himself - am I a brilliant, sexy and talented ginger?

I have asked myself that question and the answer is yes.
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Private to MacDougal [24 Feb 2009|10:36am]
You have all my money.
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Private to Morag [12 Feb 2009|03:53pm]
My dear sweet brilliant woman.

You need to come try on this nose. WAIT. Do not flip out. It is a regular nose. It hit me while I was in the W.C. that if I could charm a bread roll into a snout, why not a regular nose, so I charmed a ball of rubber and latex into a copy of this nose I saw on a cute bird in here earlier today and I don't know if it will stick or your whatsy will prevent it, but it's worth a bloody shot, you know? DUH.

Anyway, come by, come by come by COME ON!!!!
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[05 Feb 2009|09:27pm]

9 AM - 3 PM

AGES 26-40


Wood, you great girl, when are you going to stop being a poncy git? You can start by getting your arse over to the shop and having a glass of Ogden's with me.
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Also, [23 Jan 2009|06:48pm]

These fliers made my day! Shunpike is daft... or a genius. Haven't decided. Leaning towards daft.
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[23 Jan 2009|04:13pm]
Newt eyes first, not second. Newt eyes second = explosion.

So, I got all my siblings one of these journals for Christmas, but I think they think it's going to explode if they open it as I haven't seen any of them write in it yet. Pity that, I was hoping they'd write down all their dirty secrets and not know to charm them private. There is always hope. I'll probably be waiting a while though. That's the price you pay for being a genius prankster - no one trusts you. What's not to trust? I haven't purposely maimed anyone yet, short of myself.

Also, it might not have been the best idea in the world to let Dad in on that Antiques dealer, but really, I got some good, waiver-signed testing out of him. That is a plus... Alright, so I still need quite a few more waiver-signing, willing testers to before I can start finalising the Ministry's bloody fucking stupid paper work, but it's a step in the right direction.

In other news, and I know you are all dying to know, I am still single and still devastatingly good-looking. Potential dates need look no further than 93 Diagon Alley. Ask for the sexy ginger.

Tea on Sunday with Mum. Charlie's not been home for a while so I'm hoping he'll be there. He's been preoccupied with his poofter coworker of his, hunting dragons. If he doesn't come back named Christine with a pair of breasts, we're going to have to channel Fred's spirit, because I'll be owing him quite a lot of money. (Fred always had his money riding on Charlie coming back wanting to be called Chaz and sporting a pair of assless, dragonhide chaps - but that's just ridiculous.)

Now, now, where was I? Oh, anyway, yeah - the important thing to remember about all of this is that the Newt eyes go first. Seriously, do not try it any other way.
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history; george weasley [18 Jan 2009|02:04pm]
And they shake their heads and they tell me that I've changed. )
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