Rabastan Lestrange
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Monday, November 28th, 2016

    Time Event


    Player name: Sasha
    Are you at least 18 years old? Oh yes
    E-mail: Sasha.bms@gmail.com
    Messenger: Sasha.bms
    Timezone: PST
    PB: Gregg Sulkin
    Reference: HP_RPG_ADS


    CHARACTER NAME: Louis Francois Weasley
    SECTOR: Sector 1
    RANK:  Lieutenant
    AGE/BIRTHDAY: 20. August 1st 2005
    HOGWARTS HOUSE/YEARS: Ravenclaw, 2016-2023
    BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood/Half-breed
    SEXUALITY:  Homosexual
    FAMILY CONNECTIONS: Parents: Bill and Fleur Weasley. Siblings: Victoire and Dominique Weasley. All of the extended Weasley/Delacour/Potter clan!
    Friendly: Louis genuinely tends to like most people, and is willing to give anyone a chance. Sometimes even a second and third chance as well! He'll talk to anyone, even if h doesn't know them well, and likes making people feel welcome.
    GivingLouis is a very generous person, and loves giving gifts and doing favors. He's always one of the first people to volunteer when people are in need.
    Open Louis is a sharer. He tends to be an open book and has no problem expressing his emotions to those around him.
    CreativeLouis is an amazing painter, and could happily spend the rest of his life buried behind a canvas. If it weren't for the war he would probably only ever use his wand for creating art.
    Unflappable Louis has a strong center, and it takes a lot to shake him. He remains calm in stressful situations and has a surprisingly level head when things go wrong.
    PERSONALITY FLAWS (list 5-10):
    Naive Despite all the things Louis has seen as part of Sector 1 he still believes that people are inherently good. He takes everyone at face value and is very easily tricked and manipulated into doing things he wouldn't otherwise do.
    Absent Minded Louis can never remember anything. His mind is basically a, I'm, what's those things muggles drain water with? With all those holes in? Anyway, his mind is one those. He has tons of notes constantly crammed into his pockets in a desperate attempt not to lose track of something important. He is also always late
    Childish Louis has a silly streak a mile long, and can often be childish and flighty. He doesn't always take things as seriously as he should, and hasn't really learned when it's appropriate to make jokes and when it's not.
    Messy You don't want to go into Louis' room. Seriously. It's horrific. No wonder he can never find anything...
    indecisive unless he's on the field Loius is terrible at making decisions. Life or death situation? He's got this. What to eat for breakfast or where to go for dinner? Forget it, he's a mess. It's really hard to lock him down for plans and it takes him forever to get dressed in the morning.

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