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Adam Lambert

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[24 Apr 2024|07:32pm]


bit of a long shot but looking for the aggressor in a darker slash line or two with plot, general themes here. feel free to ignore the icons it's been quite a bit since i've played.
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[22 Apr 2024|09:43pm]


looking for some lines for my firefighter. let's plot!
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[19 Apr 2024|08:07am]
would anyone pb justin bieber against jaden smith? if you celeb him that would be even better, but i'll do pb!
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[14 Apr 2024|01:08pm]


Anyone interested in an sol ranch based gpsl (slash characters are wanted by some of the players already in discussion) please comment to be added to the plotting and set up is happening this weekend.
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[13 Apr 2024|05:17pm]
looking for pb slash with 40+ characters. sol, faux, sci-fi or supernatural. journals with a mix of scenes, f2f, plotting, comments and any extras we want/feel improve the sl. my list of pbs is long and i'm open to taking suggestions

please comment the screened post in this journal if you're interested in working something out

[12 Apr 2024|12:57pm]


Once again asking if there are any Hal Jordan's around...
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