Code Monky like Fritos/Code Monkey likes Tab and Mountain Dew - September 26th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 26th, 2010

[0025: X-servers] [Sep. 26th, 2010|12:47 am]
One week down, and no one has come to me with a keyboard accidentally doused in Sprite. I'm proud.

I have a few announcements.

First of all, normally whenever someone has had a computer issue in the past, I've told them to just come to my office whenever. I'm going to need to change this. Temporarily I'm asking you to email me in advance so we can work out an appointment. I'm still rebuilding my office equipment after the insanity of the past month. Unfortunately, some things keep getting lost in the shuffle, and it's a horrendous mess in here. This is going to help with organization.

Secondly, this almost means any major server issues may take a little longer to fix than it normally does. I don't have anything set up to automatically let me know when something happens at the moment. However, now that most everything is set up it's my first priority.

Thirdly, Students, think about what sort of Danger Room exercises you want. I think it's time for a new one.


Also, the Red Bull in the fridge is NOT community Red Bull. My name is on it!

I need a new minifridge.
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