Clarice Ferguson's Journal
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Sunday, July 6th, 2014

    Time Event
    Clarice Ferguson
    Name: Clarice Ferguson
    Age: 25
    Fandom: X-Men: Days of Future Past
    Canon point: Right after he death
    Species: mutant
    Gender: female
    Sexuality: straight
    Inventory: Two short javelins
    Wiki Link:

    Appearance: (she wearing a black uniform. And she also has a purple tattoo on left eye and pink diamond on forehead.)

    Personality: (Clarice Ferguson was a timid, scared child who lived in fear of her mutant abilities ever since her power first manifested, powers which caused her to hurt someone close to her. She promised herself from that point forward, she would never use her powers again, but as the child grew into a woman, she remain silent, not as timid and started to use her ability for helping others.)

    Powers & Abilities:: (Teleportation Warps Blink can create special warps in her near vicinity, effectively creating doorways at two points through which people or objects could pass, instantaneously being transported from one open portal to the next without having to traverse the space between. Used simply as mode of transport, these warps could be positioned to move herself and others freely around to rapidly redeploy to new locations. Used tactically, the open portals could be positioned to redirect the attacks of her enemies and allies so that they focused fire primarily back on her enemies. This is done by using two short Javelins to manifest her power.
    Abilities: Blink is an experienced hand-to-hand combatant. )

    PB: Fan Bingbing
    Link to Icon: (


    Player Name: Sean Quinn
    Preferred Method of Contact:: & AIM is Muntseeker and if you really need me go to FI.

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