Susan's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

Portrait of a Girl

look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide / don't get too close, it's dark inside

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[02 Jan 2013|06:52pm]
Christmas was wonderful. Thank you to everyone who got me presents (especially Uncle Eddie who got me a lot of presents!). I'm alternating between trying to eat all the edible ones and finding ways to use the non-edible ones. ;)

Hope everyone is having a good new year. I guess I'm going to have to start working soon enough, but since the river's still frozen over we can't really have boats on them yet, can we? I guess now is a good time to mention that once the river's not frozen, I'm the person you need to ask if you want to rent a boat.

[ viewing | January 2nd, 2013 ]
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