Susan's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

Portrait of a Girl

look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide / don't get too close, it's dark inside

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[02 May 2014|08:02pm]
So tired. So, so tired, but this is always the worst week of the year. It's funny how just the date of such a life-changing event can throw me off, even years later, but -- such is my brain. The whole demon thing a while a go didn't help. Neither does the fact that there is no mental Healer here. I'm doing okay without one but I always seem to need to see one for this particular reason.

Twelve years now since I lost him the first time, and many days since I lost him here. Vogg is gone too, now. I wasn't particularly close to him, but Jas was, and he was one of the few people who missed him as much as I did. So. There's that.

People fade sometimes, but some of us never forget, even when everyone else seems to.

Wonder when I will get a decent night's sleep.

For those of you who stopped by Smuggled today, and I was out of sorts, I apologise. It's been a long day week couple months twelve years day.

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