CEO of Thorn Industries - April 16th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Damien Thorn

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April 16th, 2013

For [info]boccainfernomod [Apr. 16th, 2013|09:11 pm]

Name or Nickname: Mike
Character Journal: [info]_bornofajackal
AIM/Email: shoot the wings /
Are you over 18?: Yes
PB: Tom Sturridge


Name: Damien Thorn
Age: 21
Powers: Envirokinesis would be a simple term for his skill. Basically, he can affect anything with gears, mechanical parts, electricity, wires, gas, moving parts, etc. He can usually use this to create very dangerous and lethal accidents to his enemies. He's also good at mental things too, reading people, discerning various sins, and has a sort of sixth sense about detecting when being watched. He can sometimes gain control over dogs, carnivorous birds, and the weak-willed to either obey him or commit suicide, occasionally induced in a trance state beforehand.. he had also been able to influence by touch but requires concentrated focus. His jackal side gives him minor night vision, heightened senses of smell and hearing, as well as an affinity for canine types (though any other animals are oddly spooked by him, zoo trips never went very well for him as a kid).

Damien has very few weaknesses.. at least on the human level of things. He's immune to poison, sickness, disease, fumes, chemicals, as well as any form of radiation or biological warfare. Very difficult to kill by human means, he tends to heal quickly. Only weapons of holy or magical attributes could kill him (though technically, to finally end him, the Seven Daggers of Meggiddo had to be stabbed a certain way and had to be done inside a church on an altar in order to kill him in both body and spirit, lest his dark soul found a new home and be reborn later). He's also not very comfortable in holy places. Angels and any deity types would be physically very dangerous to him as well.

History: Here
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