CEO of Thorn Industries - September 21st, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Damien Thorn

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September 21st, 2014

Application for [info]wariscoming; [Part 1 of 2] [Sep. 21st, 2014|09:21 pm]
Note: App is split into two sections; Game History for War is in Part 2, which will be linked below.


Application )
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Application for [info]wariscoming; [Part 2 of 2] [Sep. 21st, 2014|09:36 pm]

[Note: What follows is the game history of Damien's time in "War", composed mostly of his actions, as well as the actions and words of others that affected him (including friends, relationships, events, plots, etc.) during his 5 years in the game. And of course there's an additional 50 years of memories in Lucifer's Cage.]

Game History )
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