Bryan Tanaka's Journal
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Friday, February 3rd, 2023

    Time Event
    Name: Bryan Tanaka
    Nickname: The Buzzsaw
    Age: 27
    Occupation: Pro Wrestler/Professional Fighter
    Canon Point: 2009

    A wrestling and martial arts enthusiast since the tender age of 8, Bryan began taking martial arts lessons at 9, and by 10 was teaching himself to be a pro wrestler. By 15, he'd put in enough work to be on the same level with 20 year olds who were just starting out training in schools.

    Catching the eye of Jim 'Vlad Blackheart' Prescott, who'd been in the same gym while Bryan was practicing, the boy was brought to meet Jim's best friend/teammate Judas Lasher, who agreed that the kid was something special. They trained him together, and by the age of 16 he was debuting in N*FW (under a mask, to hide his age) as The Buzzsaw, the 'enforcer' of the faction known as The Dominion of Pain.

    When N*FW closed it's doors, Bryan (now 20) dropped the 'Buzzsaw' persona and embarked on a remarkably successful career in shootfighting, where he ended up with a record of 23-1.

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