Justin Finch-Fletchley [entries|friends|calendar]

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Sent to Sera at work [14 Feb 2020|09:34am]
One of these days... I'll finally deserve to have you as my wife. Until then, I'll thank my lucky stars that I get to wake up next to you every day.

All my Love, forever and always,

Sent with the letter is a gorgeous vase of white roses

For Sera on Valentine's Day [14 Feb 2019|09:39am]

To my dearest,

I love you every day and today is no exception. Happy Valentine's Day.

All my love,

Warded to Friends and Family [03 Jan 2019|11:29am]
I'd just like to take this opportunity, on behalf of Sera and myself, to thank all who attended the party on Boxing Day. It pleased us to no end to see all of you during the holidays and all your well wishes are very appreciated.

A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all of you, and everyone reading this who couldn't attend as well.

Warded to Family and friends - Warded against Sera for Surprise reasons [07 Sep 2018|11:28am]
So, don't be surprised if I'm not around this weekend. Sera and I are off to Greece on a mini-break. BUT she doesn't know where we're going so NO SPILLING OF ANY INFORMATION!

We'll be back Monday morning!!

[27 Sep 2017|12:36pm]

COMMENTS SCREENED ♥ Discord: kittyvankat#1591
BIO ♥ email: kittyvankat@gmail.com CODE BY TESSISAMESS

Justin Finch-Fletchley - After Dawn Application [27 Sep 2017|12:00pm]
Application for Justin Finch-Fletchley )

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