Langston M. Worthington is a fast mofo's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Langston M. Worthington is a fast mofo

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And then I give a little more, ooh babe [29 Aug 2012|10:56pm]
Texts to Tessa
Hey you, what's up?

This is Langston, by the way, in case you didn't save my number ;)
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Can a were-cat-thing still be a horndog? [30 Mar 2012|07:12pm]
Text messages to Harley
sent 12:35pm
Hey, birdo, you excited for the moon? I am nervous as fuck.

sent 12:39pm
Though, a little visit with [insert female name here] always helps. Speaking of which, how's Gabby doing? She tired of you yet? :P

sent 12:40pm
You know I'm just kidding man. How're you doing?
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I can't feel the way I did before [26 Mar 2012|05:17am]
Don't turn your back on me )
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