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Sean Connolly loves everyone

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Is minic a gheibhean beal oscailt diog dunta! [23 Sep 2012|02:17pm]
I can't lie, the season so far has been rather a drag, and it is understandable that everyone is feeling down about the losses. Life is full up and downs. The three teams currently ranked at the bottom all made it to the finals last year, which is surprising for everyone. But the crowd loves an underdog, and that's what will help us persevere.

At the '94 World Cup, Ireland came into the mix as a dark horse. And we pulled ahead and succeeded. The showdown between Lynch and Krum was outstanding, and our chasers were second to none. But no one believed that we could do it until we did it. They were rooting for us because we were the underdogs, the team with the best morale, and the team that inspired hope.

Kestrels, we have the ability to be that team once again. Let's make the most of this backwards advantage and carry forward.

And stop whining.

Eist moran agus can beagan [14 Sep 2012|01:16pm]
Shattered my bat mid-way through the game. Can't help but feel like I missed a few opportunities to nail some of the Falcon chaser team whilst picking up a replacement. It's been a long time since I've hit a bludger that hard. Still finding splinters.

Ladies, hate to disappoint you, but I am out of homemade chocolate ice cream.

However, when God closes a door, he opens a window. This week's dessert indulgent is going to be tiramasu. Non-alcoholic, sorry to disappoint, but still just as tasty. My door is always open: Sean Connolly's House of Treats and Tears.

Private to Seamus )

Private to Bethany )

[16 Aug 2012|12:27pm]
I'm itching to start preseason. I've cooked so many meals in the past few days that my mother is complaining that I've made her fat. Does anyone want to come over and help me eat all of this food? I'm not usually one to indulge, myself, but it turns out that this hobby leaves me with a lot of excess.

I started off today with a traditional Irish breakfast. For lunch, I had a fig and prosciutto sandwich. I've already started preparations for dinner. It's going to be risotto and beef wellington, which I've never made before, but looks promising.

I've also been working on a three layer chocolate cake. I dare you to join me. I just dare you.

Private to Bethany Dunstan )

Private to Sarah, Trása, Lindsay, Brí, Tonks (all seperately) )

Private to Jessica )

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