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[01 May 2024|04:42am]



Please, no.

[01 May 2024|08:26am]


A Friday afternoon in late April
Addie & Enjolras
Taking matters into their own hands was the only way.
The Coffee Green | Low | ⚠ References to possession, drowning, blood
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[01 May 2024|06:56am]


[Ivy & Harley, sent shortly after this exchange]
There's a non-zero chance of naked man in the basement so you might want to avoid the area for the next hour or two.

[Constantine, sent five hours later]
So Dunwich's finest fixed the crucible. Works just like it's supposed to.

Are you done tweaking?

[Eddie, sent the next morning]
Can you read this?

[Bryn, sent later that same morning]
You still fainting all over the place?

[30 Apr 2024|08:12pm]


I don't know how to process the fact that the sister that I've been so close to for all this time, is no longer near us. It's as if there's a hollowness left where she once was.

You were right, Dunwich is quite cruel indeed. Come over? I don't know if

[30 Apr 2024|11:10pm]


[Text to Luke Crain]
I'm coming over.

[30 Apr 2024|08:03pm]


Alison’s…gone. I don’t know how to process this.

It’s just hard being at the house. Everything reminds me of her.

IT'S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE. TAKE THIS! (MAY) [30 Apr 2024|05:57pm]



(Pst. This image is a secret cut tag. Clicky me!)

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[30 Apr 2024|03:21pm]


I have a few positions which have opened up, several of them are extremely important.

Head of Security: this position will monitor threats around Dunwich via email, online, police scans, etc for any strangeness going on that we may need to deploy our emergency responders. You will also work closely with the Dunwich PD, particularly Mistake PD members.

Head of Research: You will be responsible for managing our researchers and putting together the documentation that we keep on file of all the strange things that have happened to Dunwich as a whole, individuals who tell you something happened to them, and anything we have found on the town. This information will be available to all Mistakes through our online network. This includes: labeling photographs and items from the time capsule we found in June of last year, as well as cataloging gifts that people received — during the holidays or not.

Head of Research & Development: This position is not the same as above. It's strictly a science position. Updating the network, updating our servers, creating new gadgets for people. Updated changes to the Ghost Line. This position belonged to Tony Stark and then Spock after that, if that tells you what I'm looking for.

None of these positions are first come, first server. You will be interviewed, and your skills assessed.

[29 Apr 2024|08:13pm]


I'll be watching the stars outside Pickman tonight if anyone would like to join me. River Song means a great deal to me. I'm sad to see her go.

I could use some

Could you

She's gone back, we're sure of it?

[29 Apr 2024|08:03am]


Got a talking rabbit from Quentin. He alive. Need help.

Think he in that Todash... Space... thing. Courtesy of Alexis.

Can someone please get him out? I don't know what to do

[29 Apr 2024|12:18am]



[28 Apr 2024|04:35pm]


April 27th - Evening
Joan & Constantine
"ghosts and spirits"
Mind and Motion | PG-13 | ⚠ alcohol, addiction, dementia, possible mention of violence and/or murder
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TW: ongoing psychosomatic blindness [28 Apr 2024|09:55pm]


I very much enjoyed hearing all the different music at the MIST party last week, even if individual songs were not always to my liking. Would people be willing to recommend different musicians they think I should listen to? And then I can ask my telephone to play their music for me.

Thank you in advance.

[27 Apr 2024|01:10pm]


A woman gave me this phone and said it was mine.   I tried to return it.  She was very insistent that it was mine. 

Does it belong to anyone on this network?  I would be happy to return it to you, especially if in return, you could let me know where the nearest gateway to Krakoa is.  I'm Lost lost.

posted very early saturday morning [26 Apr 2024|09:56pm]



has anyone seen quentin?

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