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June 6th, 2024

06:04 pm
Mistakenly listened to "Main Theme, Pt. 2" from Baldur's Gate 3 and have been reinvigorated to writing in Faerûn. I'd love a slash-inclined Gale, Halsin, Astarion, or even an OC.

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June 5th, 2024

06:44 pm
[info]dawnstarmod more shifters and half-fae to have fun with. a neighbor outside the city limits for some fun. good plotty things we can come up with.

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04:01 pm
Just want to write a long term slash line. Customs, f2f, scenes, etc. Throw your ideas and wishes at me.

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01:31 pm
dark line ideas, gifs, and faces in the journal (taboos included). looking for M. comments screened.

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09:20 am
Have a few ideas for a bodyguard/client line. Het, femme, futa are all on the table.

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08:59 am
Would anyone play a bottom Tom Hardy (celeb, or pb) in something with one shot or long term potential? Kink friendly preferred.

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05:41 am
Looking for someone to write the female in a writing focused het non-SOL PSL based on the concept detailed here. Please comment here or at the journal if you're interested!

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07:43 am
[info]dawnstarmod Looking for more men and women to work at the brothel

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12:45 am
[info]dawnstarmod i'm bringing this guy as a shifter. he's done his fair share of travelling but he's been in dawnstar for a while, and owns a bakery/cafe in town. this is his second stay in town, and i'd love to work out some history with anyone that may have been there around the same time. he still had a little wild streak in him at the time, so anything is possible. anyone he would have crossed paths with, the roommate he had when he first moved to dawnstar, business connections, etc.

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June 4th, 2024

05:52 pm
Fur on fur?

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05:04 pm
A sorta innocent guy in good standing for this guy who has just got outta prison and is trying to turn his life around?

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06:49 am
[info]mysteryisle come to me, tommy kinard 😉

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06:45 am
[info]mysteryisle come to me, tommy kinard 😉

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01:04 pm
Anyone looking for a 40+ male face for anything specific at [info]dawnstarmod? I love the concept and have a bit of a character idea but would love to go in with a specific line. No face in mind so if they have icons I would at least consider them. Romantic not necessary. Major limit is non con so that's about the only thing totally off the table.

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June 3rd, 2024

07:36 pm
A PSL with plot for a Jason Sudeikis face?

Smut is always welcome, but pretty please give me some plot too.
Give me smut, fluff, chemistry, and plot and I’ll love you forever.

Preferably het at the moment. Could be persuaded otherwise.

comments screened for your pleasure.

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08:15 pm
heading to [info]dawnstar bio is unlocked and if he can fit anywhere in your character's life, or past, or future let's make it happen. Anyone need anything?

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07:10 pm
Looking to get some femme or futa lines going, check the journal if you're interested.

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04:18 pm
would anyone play kyle gallner as an older brother against a twink? would love something slightly toxic and possessive with bit of corruption, but still with fluffier moments. open to discussing faces for my character!

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02:10 pm
hey [info]dawnstarmod! heading your way with this deer shifter and thought i'd see if anyone wanted or needed anything while i work out her recent history. she's been in town for about a year or so, so i can offer neighbors, friends/fwbs, past/current flings, co-workers (aka job suggestions because i can't make up my mind) - i'm open to just about anything so feel free to lay it on me! her basic information and kink list are in her journal.

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01:11 pm
hi [info]dawnstarmod. still working on his bio and personality, but i held joe and was hoping someone could fill an important line for him. his tl;dr is that he's a fae who can assume the form of any creature he destroys (mostly he shifts into an alaska hare), and he's unsure of (and trying to investigate) his origin. i would love the person who scooped him up and took him in ~12 years ago. they don't have to live together now, but this would be someone he has a super close relationship with.

anything else is super welcome! fuck buddies, friends, nemeses. if his type of fae sounds interesting and you want to world build with me, i'd love some sort of sibling thing or even just another of his specific kind. also if anybody is looking for employees 👀

this is getting long but ... kinks in his screened post for your perusal!

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