Sebastian Bolton's Journal
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Monday, June 15th, 2015

    Time Event
    Name: Sebastian Alastair Bolton
    Species: Human Cyborg
    Aliases: Jetstream, Dirge
    Alignment: Neutral (Formerly Bad)
    Occupation: Enforcer, Tactical Specialist
    Nationality: Madripoori
    Roxxon Corporation (Former)
    Thunderbolts (Former)
    Dark Avengers

    Physical Parameters:
    Height: 1.87 meters (6'2")
    Weight: 206.83 kg (456 lbs.)
    Eyes: Brown (Normal), Red (Combat Mode), Orange (Dirge)
    Skin: Olive
    Hair: Varies (Nanoshaders) White (Combat Mode or Dirge)


    Born in Madripoor Sebastian Alastair Bolton was trouble from the time he could stand. A violent youth, he had killed nine grown men by the time he was twelve including his father who was the first of hundreds. Many who knew his growing up thought he was an evil child and as a young man he was one of the most infamous serial killers in the history of Madripoor having even murdered one of the Red Skull's lieutenants in broad daylight with a scalpel. He carved the name Dirge into the man's forehead giving the slum butcher a name to go with the atrocious killings.

    In a moment of rare clarity the newly christened Dirge left Madripoor for Europe when Viper returned to power not wanting to draw her attention any further. He left a trail of hundreds of bodies across the continent for the next ten years before he was captured by the Roxxon Corporation. They wanted a bloodthirsty killer for their cyborg project and over the next year they made Dirge a thousand times more dangerous with the hopes they could use him to kill Tony Stark

    Following his directive he broke free and slaughtered the entire staff of the facility that turned him into a modern day Frankenstein's Monster in order to lure Iron Man into the open pleased to see his victim had taken the bait. After a bloody battle he brutally left Stark for dead before bringing the building down on him and making his way to Boston where he went into hiding in a cemetery. Stark recovered thanks to SHIELD intervention and tracked Dirge down using the Extremis virus hoping to gain an edge against him. Despite his best attempts Dirge was defeated by Iron Man and imprisoned by SHIELD where he would remain until Nathaniel King recruited him for the Thunderbolts.

    King's first order of business was to have a neural inhibitor chip installed into Sebastian's brain to suppress the murderous Dirge and after that he invested more than a billion dollars to make the cyborg into a proper, refined weapon of war. Rechristened Jetstream he was completely rebuilt with a composite titanium, duralumin and osmium alloy body and finally had his mutilated organs replaced by advanced cybernetics. With these changes Sebastian was seemingly transformed overnight into a functional member of society. This process created a second personality that became everything Dirge just couldn't be - brilliant, calculating and successful.

    Sebastian is one of HAMMER's best men having captured both Iron Man and the Hulk. This in turn has earned him King's trust granting him special privileges and responsibilities within the organization such. He acts as head of security and is permitted to lead and engage in special operations with King's authority backing him. Jetstream has proven time and again that Nathaniel King's investment in him was worth every penny, to date his success rate is 100%, higher than any other asset.

    Being 87% cybernetic there is not much organic material left to him but he prefers being barely human to being a complete monster.


    Enhanced Strength: Jetstream limiter systems give him a class 45 strength rating but if he disengages these safeguards his physical strength increases to class 90. He is capable of trading blows with such beings as Kree, Skrulls, Inhumans and even some Asgardians in this respect.

    Superhuman Speed: As the Dark Avenger's answer to Quicksilver, Jetstream is capable of exceedingly fast movement speeds leaving afterimages or blurs in his wake. While he is not quite as fast as Quicksilver he is capable of precise attacks at high speeds making concentrated or multidirectional attacks with Mistral Noir incredibly dangerous and difficult to see. Unlike most speed-types Jetstream can run up and across vertical or even upside down surfaces like walls or ceilings. His maximum speed is estimated at approximately 750 mph.

    Superhuman Agility:
    Master Swordsman: Jetstream is a highly accomplished sword wielder using anywhere from one to four high frequency katanas to deadly effect.

    Master Hand to Hand Combatant: Jetstream is also highly skilled in close quarters fighting either unarmed or using the sniper pike as a melee weapon.

    Expert Marksman: Utilizing advanced targeting systems Jetstream is capable of firing a wide variety of small arms using up to four smaller weapons such as pistols, submachineguns and laser pistols. Without the targeting system he is still fairly accurate.

    Multilingual: Jetstream speaks almost every known human language through the use of his enhanced cybernetics. Naturally he speaks English, Chinese, Japanese, Gaelic, Madripoori, Romanian, Russian, Greek and Latverian.


    Hardlight Pistol - Jetstream uses a custom energy pistol as his sidearm maglocking it to his hip when not in use. This weapon uses repulsor tech to fire highly condensed hardlight bullets at high velocity over a moderate distance with no falloff. The "bullets" can be used in both lethal and subdual roles depending on the pistol's current setting.

    Mistral Noir - These high frequency katanas contain ultrasonic devices allowing them to cut effortlessly through most material. Jetstream can wield up to four of these deadly blades producing them from within his body when he splits his arms enabling him to deal a great deal of damage in all directions around him. Under normal circumstances he only uses one unless facing particularly dangerous foes.

    Fangs - Sebastian utilizes small fast moving laser drones called fangs to engage enemies at range i a manner similar to Saber (Victor Price). Unlike the British industrialist however Jetstream can use his fangs to stab and cut enemies as well as fire through flesh and other soft materials once they are embedded. Like the Hardlight Pistol these satellite-type weapons can be used for nonlethal damage by firing pulse shots to knock foes out

    Mk.IV Jetstream Frame - Jetstream's armored body is immune to conventional small arms fire, resistant to sharp and blunt weapons and most corrosive substances. The cyborg is notably more susceptible to repulsor and zeta weapons as well as concentrated artillery fire. It can be powered conventionally but has the ability to drain the electrolytic fluids of other cyborgs and the power from most machinery. This makes him much more sustainable in the field. In previous frame configurations Jetstream was capable of high speed flight but he traded this in favor of faster ground speeds. He can still fly but only if fitted with boosters.

    Cybernetic Modifications - Sebastian has undergone extensive mechanical modifications to augment his physical abilities, reflexes and eyesight. His ocular implants in particular are highly advanced allowing him to track and attack targets at range without the use of a scope or binoculars. In addition his eyes can detect motion while he is asleep or unconscious and if need be will wake or resuscitate with neural impulses to his brain. This makes attempts to attack or bypass him just as dangerous when he is inert.

    Advanced Computation - Jetstream is essentially a walking supercomputer allowing him to function like a synthetic technopath to a limited degree such as accessing satellite feeds, commanding large numbers of internet accessible machines, remotely controlling near or distant tech or acting as a comms hub for allies. Jetstream's systems are immune to electromagnetic pulses.


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