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Echo Collocott

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[Jul. 22nd, 2020|10:33 pm]
Echo )

[Jul. 22nd, 2020|10:32 pm]

Questions, Comments, Scene Requests
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[Feb. 18th, 2013|02:14 pm]
It would be nice if just one week could pass without chaos. I’ve got to leave for tour in exactly two weeks so between the studio, tour details, Hawke’s panic attacks issues with shit, and everything else I’ve not been home much. When I am I’d like to have just one week with the family where we can all sit and smile at the dinner table. You don’t even have to really be happy just sit there and shut up and smile for me so I feel like I can go on tour because nothing bad is going to happen that I’m going to feel like I need to rush home for. Because I can’t just rush home. That’s not how this fucking works. Makes me glad Ali is going though. At least I know she’ll be okay and in one piece when I get back in a few months because she’ll be right there where I can see her. I’ve been forcing Jayde to let me Face Time with Sage so she can practice before I go on tour. Making her get used to seeing me and Ali on a little screen at random times throughout the day even if I really am a whole 20 feet away. I don’t want her to get confused later on or anything. Kids may not be a big deal in your family, or lack of family, or whatever the fuck you have but they are important in mine. And Sage needs to know that even though we are going to be across the damn country that we still care.

So, like I said, we leave for tour on the fourth of March. I think Ali has been packing and unpacking because I swear clothes are moved in the closet every single time I get in there to get anything. Babe, just pick whatever clothes you want to wear. I don’t give a fuck if you run around in some polka dots mixed with stripes as long as you’re comfortable. Seriously. There is no need to try on everything you own to see what looks good because it ALL looks good.
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[Jan. 6th, 2013|09:00 pm]
So I suppose now is as good a time as any to make this announcement. I was pretty much just waiting for contracts and paperwork to be signed so it was official before I just went talking out of my ass. Remember how I said before that I used to be in Untitled before it got big? Well, Hawke had an issue with his guitarist and asked me to come back. It was a major decision for me especially concerning touring. After some long talks with Ali and a lot of pushing on her end, I accepted the offer. Now girls, don’t freak out or anything. I’m still going to be working down at Silver Reign as long as I’m not touring. Part of my contract states that we’ll be recording in the studio around my shifts. When I go on tour, I’ve already got someone lined up who will fill in for me. I trust him to watch out for you guys, so you should too. What this does mean, however, is I’ve quit my job at Blitzed. Time to hang up the ol’ bartending hat. It also means that Ali now is all excited because she gets to go to work with me. Well, she’s allowed to sit in the studio if she keeps her mouth shut, which she surprisingly knows how to do sometimes, and I can take her on tour if she’s not off doing a shoot somewhere. The other downfall is that there are times I’ll be away from Sage. Not that Micah and Jayde can’t handle it, both of them are surprisingly great parents. I just wanna be there when she grows up. You can’t be fun Uncle Echo if you’re a stranger. But I suppose it’s not like we’ll be on tour every day for the rest of our lives, just a few months here and there. Anyway, there’s my announcement. Ali, you can stop yelling at me about telling everyone now and they all know you’re married to a rock star. Happy, kitten?
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[Nov. 30th, 2012|04:27 pm]
So Ali has been bugging me about updating this thing mainly because she wants me to share the news of my promotion. We all know I was moved up to assistant manager a while back but starting two weeks ago I got even more responsibility offered to me and I now not only manage the staff but the dancers as well. Most of them are taking the change well because they know me, I watch out for them on stage, we have a nice friendly family-ish relationship at Silver Reign. Always have. Though I kind of know why Rory handed it over to me the way he did. Some of these bitches I don’t wanna put up with either because they’re too damn good to come in when someone else has to call off or too damn good to answer work-related communications. News flash sweetheart, you are not the next best thing next to sliced bread and there are forty other girls in this city at least that I could replace you with TONIGHT. If you don’t care enough about your job to not act like a stuck up cunt, I don’t care if I get you written into the schedule or if you EVER work a weekend. Go ahead, try me. You’ll work Mondays and Wednesdays the rest of your time here because you’ll make jack shit in tips on those days and that’s perfectly fine with me.

And I was playing Halo yesterday and when I went to change weapons…okay Ali’s tuned out now. And probably every other female on here. Christmas shopping drives me fucking crazy. There are so many people in our house this year that I’m going to need a bigger closet to hide everything in. Not that things are hiding in the closet, in case Ali is still reading. Because they’re not. At all. Seriously. Um…I miss Twinkies, I have to change my oil this weekend before it gets too chilly out, and uh….uh….I guess that’s it.
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[Nov. 17th, 2012|08:56 pm]

This is a sad era in history.
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[Aug. 13th, 2012|04:22 pm]
So…we’re back from Vegas. I hate my wife. No, that is not a typo for life. Bring beer. Lots and lots of beer.
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[May. 9th, 2012|03:06 pm]
Multiple Tweets )
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[Jan. 14th, 2012|12:59 pm]
Like Micah said, we’re in Jersey at least through the weekend. Our father’s trying to hang in there. For now. I don’t think either of us will know what to do when he’s ready to let go. The girls are surprisingly supportive. I say surprisingly because bitches never do well with emotional shit and it’s just been one thing after another. They go back and forth between trying to keep us sane and trying to keep our mom occupied with Jayde’s baby bullshit. It’s like someone out there wanted to see exactly how much hell I could handle in one weekend.

First, we take a plane all the way across the country. Long plane rides are horrible enough, but long plane rides where someone shoves a sonogram picture in your face and rambles the whole time while you’re trying to prepare for the worst is absolute hell. Thanks, Jayde, for that. It actually did distract me for a while, so that should really be a less sarcastic thank you. Then, I get a blast from the past as soon as I hit my father’s hospital room. When Ali later tries to take care of the problem after she finds out exactly who it is and why they were really there, she gets arrested and then I got to bail her out of jail. Not that I mind, and honestly I wish I’d have recorded it because she got a damn good hit on Raven. Yeah, it’s real great fucking times for me right now, and it’s only just begun. Ffs.

Make that a double order of shooting stars.
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