Fenrir Greyback is a bit wolfish [entries|friends|calendar]
Fenrir Greyback takes what he wants.

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It's like a dark paradise. [27 Feb 2014|03:23pm]

Wolf [24 Jun 2013|01:47am]

Fenrir Greyback @ Afresh )

A History for Fenrir Greyback @ Afresh RPG:
Juliette Higgs, an old acquaintance, encounters Fenrir while he is hunting
Trisha Stimpson drops her pen near Fenrir's foot while dining at a fancy restaurant.

~~~~~~~ [23 Sep 2012|01:12pm]
I find myself battling with unsatisfiable hunger the past few weeks. Perhaps it is time to move on from small game.

"The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything."
    -Friedrich Neitzsche

~~~~~~ [02 Sep 2012|02:12am]
In my travels, I have encountered the God, Anubis.

What appears to be related to the jackal is actually related to the wolf. So, it seems, I have royal blood in my veins. Perhaps I, too, have been mistaken as a mortal, when I am actually a god. Anubis was the guardian and protector of the underworld. I feel a great deal of relation to this sentiment.

Decided to extend my stay in Egypt by a few more days. There is much treasure waiting to be found, both in knowledge and material.

~~~~~ [25 Aug 2012|02:58am]
Hickory, dickory, dock.

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one.

The mouse was done.

~~~~ [31 Jul 2012|11:22pm]
The image you see in the lens is not the image the world sees in the final product. A trick of the mind, a trick of the eye. Fall into the fissure, through the starry space in which you receive only a fleeting glance. Speculate the location of the infinitesimal revelation. The ending has not yet been written.

Madrid is an interesting place this time of year.

~~~ [19 Jul 2012|07:50pm]
Ink, when thinned with water, allows one to paint for days. When canvas runs out of space there are walls, a ceiling, floors. Soon delirium sets in causing one to grow dizzy and collapse, moving limbs, making pathetic angels in the black snow. Swimming within the ink until it permeates the sink and ink begins to make sense. With the body empty of energy, the mind can deciper a new sense of order in the marks. As if fading into the picture and emerging on the other side. Inside the reality of the world that the markings describe. The reality outside of the mind and the reality inside are divided by a thin reflective veil - a fearful symmetry. But both are equally real. What happens when the veil is stripped away and both realities are no longer distinguishable, but exist simultaneously?

Scars often run deeper than eyes can see.

~~ [04 Jul 2012|06:35am]

Bones somehow reform. A sculpture of the human limits. Agony is the paint of the metamorphosis. Such brilliant artwork tragedy makes.

Morocco is a lovely place for sunrise.

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