_hanley's Journal
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Monday, May 14th, 2012

    Time Event
    Character Name: Hanley Lawrence
    Alias: N/A
    Age: 20
    Alignment: Good
    Occupation: N/A
    Species: Werewolf

    Background: Hanley was born and raised in a small Montana town by werewolf parents. A town that, after purchased by her father who came from a wealthy Los Angeles family, slowly developed into a small, close knit community comprised mostly of those of a werewolf heritage.

    Her mostly idyllic small town life was shattered one night by the arrival of a rogue band of vampires who ascended on the peaceful town. A band of vicious creatures who left death and destruction in their wake, save for Hanley and her sister. Whether it might have been intentional or not, Hanley will never know. All she knows is that she woke hours later to a scene of unspeakable horror. All she knew and loved, with the exception of her sister, lay scattered about the town in severely battered and almost unrecognizable states.

    Personality: Once a friendly and outgoing young woman, Hanley's personality took a dramatic dive after an attack made upon her town by a band of vampires, she's now a more reserved and closed off person. With the exception of her older sister, her only surviving relation, Hanley finds it hard to trust anyone.

    PB: Christa Theret
    Likes: Reading, romantic comedies, sculpting, chocolate
    Dislikes: The dark, vampires, night time, being cold, snakes, being alone

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