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Max Evans

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FT AU | Dome PGH [Jul. 27th, 2021|09:25 am]

33 years old

Dome PGH: Max and Felicity Nolan met when Max was sent to her hometown in the dome; in his future. When he arrived he ran into a version of Liz, and things were civil, and then he met Fel. Oddly enough, it was love at first sight for Max. The two began seeing each other, and things just flowed naturally for them. It was barely a few months later when he moved in with her.

From there, things began to go well for Max when he got a job at the local police station.

He proposed on their one-year anniversary and was married a year later, after a lot of planning.

Max wasn’t sure he wanted kids but they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Fortunately, Fel didn’t get pregnant right away, so Max had time to enjoy his wife and their home and gave him time to realize he did want a child with Felicity.

They are five years into marriage now and have a one-month-old daughter, Annabel Francine Evans.
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dome life. comments screened. [Apr. 25th, 2021|09:58 am]

Max Evans

Canon Point: End of Season 4
Abilities: Manipulating electromagnetic energy which he can use to heal or harm. Memory Sharing, Psychic Communication. Plus, police training, first aid training, hand-to-hand combat, marksmanship.
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