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Severus Snape

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ENTRY TWO | October 8th [08 Jan 2012|11:09pm]
What uneasy times we live within. Perhaps people should be more worried about fact rather then fictions? Spreading rumors, like the mud being dragged through the castle this afternoon, will only make things worse.

Warded to Aidan Rosier

Thank you for accompanying me to track down Professor Slughorn the other day. I appreciated the extra support your presence gave me. especially since I am not his favorite student I found his explanation for leaving out such an obvious method for curing poisons, adequate. His point about it being a potions class, was received. I still maintain that it deserved to be mentioned, in any case, even as an after thought, as the point of antidotes is to cure potions, and in a pinch, the bezoar stone would be a logical choice.

And thanks again for telling off Potter. I thoroughly enjoyed that.

Warded to Lily
With the tentative atmosphere around here, I just hope you'll be careful. And stay away from Potter, who is NEVER careful and will only get you into more trouble.

ENTRY ONE. 28. 9. 76 [28 Dec 2011|09:27pm]
That entire potions lesson was rubbish. An entire lesson that took up entirely too much time talking in circles about breaking down the potions, and back tracking the potion to figure out how to MAKE an antidote for the potion. Normally there isn't an entire lesson I disagree with, usually just little pieces here and there, things I know will work better and do, but this whole lesson was a waste of a few hours of my life I cannot have back.

Note to those not at all smart enough to figure it out for themselves. Use a bezoar stone. It will work faster and more effectively then any of those antidote potions you would attempt to brew and foul up.

00: Half Blood Prince @ Vigilantes! [06 Dec 2011|04:56pm]

Application for Vigilantes! )

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