David's Journal
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Sunday, June 18th, 2023

    Time Event
    There is a vampire elite council its members are
    The Mikaelson's family and Marcel
    Emilia Alexandra del Valentin
    Elsa Bloodstone as an alias from S.H.I.E.L.D.

    They have set up a number of safe houses across town and that not counting Crescent Moon is a Supernatural-only bar and restaurant nor Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted.

    They also make sure of the blood banks, blood caps, and factory farms where they get blood from the wildlife which means fish, cows, and pigs. and humans who get paid to give their blood. They make sure the places are safe to live/sleep at. They also have places to lock up vampires who break the laws.

    Rule that Vampir should go by.
    1} Use the mean listed above to get your blood.
    2} Live in peace with all forms of the Vampire races
    3} Don't feed on everyone or things that are not listed above that means no humans, other supernatural races, Jurassic Park or Dragons.

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