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[13 Mar 2017|10:43pm]
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:) W.I.P.

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;D [07 Mar 2014|11:00pm]
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:) [10 Apr 2013|05:51am]
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:) [06 Oct 2012|01:05am]
Under construction!
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[16 Sep 2008|08:39pm]
It all started when Dean Hamilton met Angelina Parker...30 years ago. They became inseperable instantly and within the year, they were married. Less than 12 months later, on January 16th, 1980 Jason Aaron Michael Hamilton was born. Sadly the marriage only lasted a mere three years and when Jason was just 5 years old, his mother remarried. His step-father, Charlie Evans is a kind person and has always been the man Jason calls dad. His real father wasn't around much, not because he didn't want to be, but work always got in the way.

When Jason was eight, his mother gave birth to a baby girl. He has always been incredibly protective of, what he calls, his baby sister...though she always tells him she is no baby. His sister was 4 when she was in an accident, putting her in critical condition. As his mother and step-father rarely left the hospital, he was there nearly everyday watching the doctors take care of and make his sister better. That is what his dream of being a doctor came from.

From that point on he did the best he could in school, ultimately graduating high school almost top of the class. He attended NYU for pre-med and med school, and he is now in his final year of Pediatrics residency, also through NYU. He choose pediatrics, because of his sister's accident when he was younger and because he just loves children. He hopes to one day have some of his own.

As for a social life, he is in a relationship, but other than that, he really doesn't get to do much. He's at the hospital and clinic more than anything else. He loves what he does though, and he has a few close friends so he feels it's all worth it.

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[16 Sep 2008|08:13pm]

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