August 2012



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Apr. 13th, 2009

Made of Fail and Win

First of all: Amazon Rank (from Smart Bitches, Trashy Books).

Secondly, remember how I pre-ordered Pushing Daisies season 2? Well, I canceled it, and told Amazon that I would buy it from their rival, along with everything else I usually would have bought from them until they fix this. But from the way this shitstorm has snowballed since I first heard about it, I'm thinking I'll just end up reordering it from Amazon, because I can't imagine they can keep this policy in place now.

I spent the last few days cleaning my apartment (taking stuff to the recycling center, tackling the balcony, buying new plants, etc), so today I took some time off. Which naturally led to watching more Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (I am completely smitten. Still).

But in an effort to not run out of episodes before noon (I only had four or five left this morning), I went back to Super Mario Galaxy, where I'd been stuck for a while. And because of my determination not to run out of episodes, I've now added 15 more stars, and I still have the last two episodes of T:TSCC to watch. I had meant to watch them tonight, but I got all caught up in link-hopping and now I still have episodes saved for tomorrow! Yay!

In all the Amazon excitement, I almost forgot the reason I had intended to post today: I got myself a Dreamwidth account! And for once I managed to snag my user name without underscores! I managed to import most of it okay, but the comment import was aborted on the first try, and when I tried it again, it imported them twice. Eeek! Weirdly, the comment count in my journal is correct, but in my user info I have twice the number of comments, and there are duplicate comments on every entry. Oh well.

If you've got an account, let me know!

Apr. 9th, 2009

Everybody's working for the weekend!

I'm currently halfway through The Deeper Meaning of Liff, which is like my favorite new thing. For those not in the know, it's "a dictionary of things there aren't any words for yet", by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd. All words are really geographical places. My favorites so far... )

And let me tell you, by the time I stopped working at almost eight last night, I was feeling hynish in the extreme. But today was the first day of my five day weekend, so today is a happy day!

I've been watching a lot of TV since my last update. A LOT. I'm almost back to my January levels, after dropping to alarmingly low levels in March.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles, up through 2x12 )

Life )

Better Off Ted )

My Boys )

I've run out of NCIS seasons on DVD, so unless this Farscape itch gets its claws in me completely, I think the next show in the pipeline is going to be Deadwood. Finally!

I've been really good about adding 25 bucks to my Kiva account each month, and so far this year, I've made seven new loans (the repaid loans have enabled me to loan $175, even though I've only put $100 into my account)! And I think that once this year is up, I'll probably be able to make at least a loan a month in perpetuity without adding another cent.

And since I love the idea of this site so much, here's that link again:

Kiva - loans that change lives

And if you do decide to make a loan, do join the fandom team. The number of members has doubled since my last mention, and the amount loaned has quadrupled, but I still think fandom can do much more.

And if you're into country rivalry, Team Sweden just passed Team USA, which is simply pitiful, you guys. Come on, where's your patriotism?! ;-) (If you're wondering where my patriotism is, I don't care so much about the US being ahead of us, since the US population is about 30 times the size of ours. I just want us to beat those @%!#^/$ Norwegians!)

Aug. 3rd, 2007

My (by now) regular Oh, LJ, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! update

So, LJ is once again pissing off the Harry Potter fandom. And if you want to target a fandom, lord knows that's the one that's going to get you the least amount of attention and trouble. /sarcasm

Last time, I really didn't think they would enforce their newly updated rules unless they were backed into a corner, but I was wrong. I think it's pretty obvious that they're cleaning up their site in order to make it look more appealing to investors/buyers.

So, with this in mind, I've decided that I'm going to start cross-posting to my InsaneJournal, which I prefer for completely superficial reasons. )

I've got a problem, though. I'm a moron and can't figure out how to add another user to Semagic. I know how to change the server setting so I can access IJ, but I don't know how to add it as a separate account. I'm assuming this can be done? I guess it wouldn't be a hardship to do it manually considering how rarely I post, but I'd really like to have it automated if possible.

As for fan-run journaling sites... )

I've watched a lot of TV. Mostly just general impressions of Bionic Woman, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Jane Hall, Damages. )
