...kiss me softly...
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in Danity Bellisaro's InsaneJournal:

    Sunday, February 5th, 2012
    1:20 am
    01: Fainting spells & mother nature
    I just wanted to take a few minutes to let everyone know that I'm indeed alright. I'm sorry if I scared anyone by not calling out of work today. I fainted in the shower this morning, thank the Goddess that Alaric was there to get me to an emergency room. So besides the gash on my head from fainting in the shower, my recent nausea, dizziness, and the dull pain I've been having in my abdomen for last few weeks, as well as the VERY irregular periods have all been explained. I must have had an ovarian cyst (which runs in our family) and the doctors tell me it burst. There was internal bleeding which they took care of and when they had a little looksie inside, they saw there was a very large one on my right ovary, which they couldn't entirely remove. Unfortunately they had to take that one out. But I still have the left one, and there are very low risks I need to watch out for when its time for a family, but I can still have a family! Dr. Ritter tells me I should expect a full recovery.

    I'll be in here for a few more days, and then I'm to be on light duty for a couple weeks, until I heal properly. I'd love for some other witches and maybe a fae to come by my place in a few days and perform some healing magic with me, to speed up the healing process. Since my way of worship and magick involves dance, I obviously cannot help myself.


    Tiye, Dodger, and Kat, thank you so much for the flowers. They are beautiful. And thank you Avery for this adorable get well soon gift.
    Thursday, March 24th, 2011
    7:10 pm
    00: I'll give you everything you ever wanted, baby

    ...stolen kisses require an accomplice.... )

    Current Mood: chipper
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