Victor Hunter's Journal
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Monday, July 19th, 2010

    Time Event

    Name: Sean
    Age: over 18
    Discord/Hangouts, etc.: sirgrunt99#1364
    Timezone: USA Eastcoast


    Name: Victor Hunter
    Fandom: Doctor & Torchwood
    Point in canon: The Sontaran Stratagem
    Sexuality: Open
    Species: Humsn
    Age: 40
    Victor Hunter's family history is within the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce, but now it's known as the Unified Intelligence Taskforce.

    His Great Uncle was Captain Hawkins who was killed by the Young Silurian when he comes to Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart's resource. Seeing that his family was in the Military Organization in Great British. Victor's mother thought it would be best that she would live in the USA. Life was good for her, she meet his father who was a cop so she thought Victor would follow in his father's footsteps and become a cop as well.

    She was shocked that Victor had joined the United Nations in its Military organization as an MP Military Police and when the United Nations had renamed United Nations Intelligence Taskforce to the Unified Intelligence Taskforce someone in the higher ups found out who Victor Hunter's Great Uncle was. They pull some red tape and made Victor an American officer commander in the UNIT. It was when his unit was signed to watch over a medical officer for the extraterrestrial response who turned out to be Dr. Martha Jones, one of the former companions of Doctor. This was called the Sontaran Stratagem, but Victor didn't know that the Doctor. was the same guy his Great Uncle Captain Hawkins knew before his death.
    Personality: extraversion and conscientiousness.
    Journal: [info]_lineage_
    PB:Jamie Bamber
    Anything else:

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