_listsinmysleep's Journal
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Monday, December 2nd, 2013

    Time Event
    I can't pretend that this isn't happening anymore. I need to talk to Charles I guess but it just seems like if I do that then I have to accept that I'm going to have to marry a boy I barely know. Not that Charles seems like a bad guy from what I've seen but he's not Josh I don't know if I'm ready for this.
    /End Private

    Private to Charles
    I'm supposed to ask you if you would like to spend Hogmanay with my family. Personally, I'd like to spend a little time getting to know each other a bit more. This engagement thing still feels weird to me but if we're going to do it I want to get to know you better.
    /End Private

    Private to Annie and Ava
    Ugh. I'm engaged and I can't shake this crush on Josh. Stupid family. Not that he would like me anyway.
    /End Private

    Secret Santas were a fab idea. Major props to the mastermind and her minions for this one.

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