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63. [25 Sep 2015|07:59pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | people talking ]

First day back at work after a very long break and it's really exciting. It was also really hard leaving Bree; I didn't think she was going to stop hugging me and let me go. I promised to come straight back so we could go out somewhere nice for dinner after and I think that helped. She still looked so pouty though. It's not fair, why does she have to look so cute?

everyday i'm drabbling! [21 Jul 2015|05:22pm]
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62 [12 Jun 2015|11:20am]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | animal noises ]

The renovations of the shop are going well, though it's still hard to rangle all the baby animals and keep them in place. We've set up little pens for now to try and keep them into just a few rooms, but some of them seem to be pretty good climbers. I'm going to have to buy a lock for the bridge and maybe baby proof a bit more. Is this was parenting is like? It's exhausting.

61. [09 May 2015|03:06am]
[ mood | nervious ]
[ music | animals noises ]

It took A LONG TIME but Bree and I finally managed to herd all the little things back to her shop and get them settled; though a few of them are still determined to break out and try to eat the blinds or table legs. I've learned the most are distracted by animal crackers and I can lead them back to their boxes with those. We're running out fast though so I'm going to pick some more up tomorrow if they don't eat me while we sleep.

60. [29 Mar 2015|07:57am]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | wind ]

Bree is upset that I want to join in for the hunt of somerset. I know that I said that I wouldn't leave her after everything that has happened, but this is something that I really want to try to do. Trying to convince her to come along with me isn't working so well...Maybe I need a new approach?

59. [25 Feb 2015|09:33am]
[ mood | happy ]

Back home and I finally found Bree. I don't ever want to stop hugging her. I'm not going to do anything else today.

<3 [13 Feb 2015|09:16pm]
Character Profile )

58 [04 Feb 2015|01:43pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]
[ music | wind ]

I think I'm even more lost since I met up with my brother. ;__;

57. [26 Jan 2015|07:17am]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | wind ]

I'm not dead. Don't worry. I found another small group of survivors while I went out for a hunt and was just helping them get back to a safe place. The city is really crazy, but we're tough and getting by even though the IST soldiers don't seem to want us to do that. Sucks to be them, right? I need to find Bree again. After the day I had, I am in definitely need of a big hug.

56. [01 Dec 2014|04:08pm]
[ mood | lethargic ]
[ music | tv playing ]

The long drive and party really left me feeling drained though so I'm just going to spend today relaxing. Bree and I missed out on our date night so I'm planning something really special to make it up to her later this week, I already picked out a great spot in her favorite restuarant and have it reserved for us and also an extra surprise for her that I'm keeping secret. It's not a ring, so don't get too excited!

55. [06 Nov 2014|09:25pm]
[ mood | productive ]

Bree's pretty upset about what happened to the toy store. It's a really big mess and now I wish I had checked my messages sooner or I wouldn't have brought her there to pick out a present for Jinyo. We're going to help out getting everything cleaned up during the next few days.

54. [13 Sep 2014|11:02pm]
I feel like I've been hogging Bree and I'm not really ashamed of that. I'm really protective of her. Today we're going to visit her family; which I think might be a little weird so I called ahead to let them know that we're coming so that maybe we won't walk in on anything too strange going on? I feel like this is going to be a long day, it's a good thing we had a big breakfast.

53. [12 Aug 2014|01:33am]
[ mood | hopeful ]

i'm picking up some snacks for the movie night that I'm having with Bree tonight. She's been taking a lot of long walks around town which makes me really worried about her since she doesn't seem to even remember her way around yet, but at least she doesn't seem to have gotten too lost yet. Ever since I found out that she lost her memory I've been really protective of her and asked for some more time off from work, as well as for Jinsil to let her stay with me. I know she might be safer with her family, but maybe staying in her own home and having her old things around might help spark something to come back? I have to be careful and just take things slow right now and have everything come back on it's own. We have to figure out what to do about her shop too.

52. [23 Jul 2014|01:45am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | savage garden - gunning down romance ]

I've been searching all over for any sign of Bree. I've been trying to think positively and hoping that she arrived somewhere safe by now, but I'm really worried about what would happen to her if she happened to run into my brother....I don't really want to run into him either after everything that's happened. I'm still really angry with him. I'm just going to find Bree and that's all. She's all that's important to me right now.

51. [13 Jul 2014|01:45am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | distance giggling ]

Besides the occasion joke that someone is going to eat me - which I'm really hoping is just a joke, staying here hasn't been so bad. Bree is looking so much better and it's so relieving to see her finally able to get up and about, i know it hasn't been easy for her these past few days. <3 Her cousin is just the cutest thing that I've ever seen and he has so much energy and he's really smart and sneaky when it comes to hiding games. I keep finding him in the weirdest places.

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